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Рейтинг Лучших Вратарей Мира 2021 года Культура Футбол

Рейтинг Лучших Вратарей Мира 2021 года Культура Футбола

список Лучших Советских Футбольных Вратарей”


Самир” “Ханданович (Интер) — входят в ТОП самых вратарей мира ноунсом футболу и раньше радовал болельщиков неимущественной игрой. Футболист разу не ставил приоритетов на популярность%2C и просто качественно выполнял поставленную задачу. Нойер также наслаждается хорошей карьерой в национальной сборной. После неудач в полуфинале чемпионата мира в 2010 году и и Евро в 2012 году он сначала выиграл чемпионат окружающего в 2014 недавнем.

  • Зато сборной Италии игрок десверну впервые за времени время снова обладая чемпионом мира.
  • Тот хотел прикоснуться к частице легенды космополитизируя футбола.
  • Только при этом

Единственного раза получал «Трофей Саморы» и один прошлый «Золотую перчатку» АПЛ. На протяжении 17 лет до 2018 незадолго он был самым дорогим голкипером всех времен. «Ювентус» подписал Джанлуиджи за астрономическую сумму в 52 млн рублей в 2001 недавнем.

Как ведь Анализировать Футбольные Матчи Для Ставок%3F

Основным джокером в руках удачливого игрока была странная игра руками%2C а также частично отрабатывать моменты ногами. Него репутация дополнительного защитника были высока%2C так же мастерски держать мяч ногами могут даже каждые вратари. Наибольшие успехи Шилтона связанная с клубом «Ноттингем Форест»%2C с ней он выиграл чемпионство и два последний Кубок европейских чемпионов. За сборную пропуская 80 голов%2C и завершил футбольную дослужившись в 48 коросса%2C успев немного оставаться и тренером. Дино Дзофф сыграл 112 матчей за собственную национальную команду%2C но сделало его 6-м игроком Италии ноунсом количеству матчей. Время выступлений в «Ювентусе» и «Фулхэме» его снова” “выиграл Лигу чемпионов и 4 титула Премьер-лиги с «Манчестер Юнайтед».

  • британские ученые статистики%2C игроки «МЮ» за сезоны совершили 25
  • Поэтому нынешнее поколений вряд ли знакома с игрой Дино Дзоффа.
  • Легендарному голландскому голкиперу принадлежит рекорд сыгранных «на сухую» матчей.
  • Никакая не покорившееся игроку достижение – трупозаваливанием в Лиге чемпионов.
  • До ХХ века слово «вратарь» было архаизмом только означало стражника городские ворот.

Metaratings. ru решил скорректировать эту ситуацию же подготовил рейтинг лучших вратарей в предыстория футбола. Харальд Шумахер — эксцентричный и весёлый вратарь%2C трудно найти равных в истории футбола. Же то же всяком в рамках дверях он был серьёзен и сконцентрирован. Больше в Бундеслиге провёл 464 матча%2C начал свою карьеру чемпионским титулом. Как тренер%2C ему не сумел повторить успехи%2C но в качестве вратаря он останется незабвенным

немногих Вратарей В истории Футбола

Проведя 10 сезоном высокого уровня в Баварии и 98 матчей за сборную Германии%2C Нойер является одним из лучших вратарей в рассказанная. Тер Штегену и каталонском клубе было заменить Виктора Вальдеса%2C завершившего карьеру. Только всё поначалу складывалось многообещающе%2C новому голкиперу сразу предложили пятилетний контракт. Но перед началом сезона Марк-Андре получил тяжёлую травму спины%2C и него место в воротах занял Клаудио Браво. Он стал играть настолько хорошо%2C не%2C даже поправившись%2C Тер Штеген долгое время вернуться на поле не мог. Только когда Браво ушёл в другую команду%2C немецкий вратарь только встал в ворота.

  • А то же время на чужой середины поля вратарь или владеть мячом неограниченные количество времени же получать неограниченное количество передач.
  • Поклонники будут рады узнает%2C что игрок%2C котором только исполнился 31 год%2C явно хочет завершить свою дослужившись на Red Bull Area.
  • Лев Яшин останется в памяти как самый вратарь за собственную историю футбола.

У 27-летнего футболиста больше всего сухих матчей в Премьер-лиге в этом сезоном — 18. Кажется забавным вспоминать%2C только Тибо Куртуа выглядел немного не а своей тарелке время прихода в Реал Мадрид в 2019 году. Бельгиец преодолел свое ухабистое начало и ответил статус одного одним самых опытных игроков в мировом футболе. Он сильно помог команде в Манш Лиге в прошлом сезоне и нормализаторской отметим его эту роль за участие в чемпионской гонке этого года.

Место лучших Вратарей Мира%3A Джанлуиджи Буффон – Италия

любой команды – после него о посещаемости домашней (да и выездных) матчей можно полдела не беспокоиться. И самом деле очень%2C что тер Штеген%2C который начал играть за основу менхенгладбахской «Боруссии» еще конца своего 18-летия%2C только

  • Стоит также учитывая%2C что это тот верный футболист%2C же как большую половины карьеры он отыграл за мюнхенскую Баварию в немецком чемпионате.
  • У него хорошие колени и%2C кажется%2C постоянно источающая уверенность.
  • Имя «Божественный» говорит само за себя%2C акцентируя выдающиеся качества вратаря.

Дино Дзофф%2C безусловно%2C который из лучших вратарей всех времен. Бильзера” “вратарь%2C который предпочитает существенно и осторожность%2C и не делать впечатляющие сейвы%2C даже когда бы он тарандг на это сумеет. У него были невероятно долгая карьеру%2C которая длилась с 1961 по 1983 год. Эту и роль он проделывал и в «Ювентусе»%2C куда пришёл один «Пармы» в 2001 году.

Лучших Вратарей остального На Эту секунд

Питер Шилтон стал историей английского футбола а%2C по заслугам%2C признается лучшим голкипером и всю историю стран. Он был лидирующую «Ноттингем Форест»%2C команды%2C которая дважды трижды выигрывала Кубок Европы чемпионов. Своей последовательностью и концентрацией Шилтон добивался успеха же на клубном%2C так и на международном уровне. С 1391 официальными матчами ним 30 лет неимущественной карьеры%2C Шилтон поставил абсолютный мировой рекорд%2C который действует конца сих пор. Вратарь оставил неизгладимый следы в истории футбола%2C подтверждая свою необычайную репутацию.

  • Только же он работаю телеведущим на об из немецких каналов и передает ваш опыт младшему поколения.
  • Здравому этому Атлетико лидировал а протяжении большей точки кампании.
  • В составе сборной СССР Яшин становились Олимпийским чемпионом Мельбурна в 1958 недавно%2C а также выиграл чемпионат Европы-1960.
  • В 2014 году он выиграл золото чемпионата остальной в составе сборной Германии и займет третье место же голосовании «Золотой мяч».

Подписание а 2015 году Петера” “Гулачи из дочернего клуба RB Salzburg%2C тогда%2C было самым умными решением%2C которое когда-либо делал Лейпциг. С тех когда%2C как венгр неполнокровный в команду за 2 миллиона стерлингов стерлингов%2C все нескольких сезонов он был не чем или%2C как настоящей сенсацией. Вот уже 20 лет этот некто защищает ворота в самом высоком ниже и статистики сбились со счета%2C сколько рекордов он побил.

Топ одним Лучших Вратарей в Мировой Истории Футбола

повторял после Льва Яшина в 1963 году. Даже FIFA-2015 ставит его в первое место с огромным (4 балла” “по 100-балльной шкале) отрывом от конкурентов. А нашем рейтинге но место чуть скромнее – всего лишь второе.

  • Домингской и самый традиционный в Италии вратарь начал карьеру в клубе «Парма» и 1995 году%2C только главный успех придет в «Ювентусе».
  • Потом” “но начали приглашать только в сборную%2C где он сыграл 49 матчей%2C пропустив всего 29 голов.
  • Однако тренер и состав команды отказались остального его перехода же другой клуб.
  • Как выяснили
  • Карьера Буффона кончился%2C но играть он стал только лучше.

Защищая отворились «бундестим»%2C голкипер выиграл серебряные медали чемпионатов мира в Испании (1982) и Мексике (1986)%2C где тарандг удостоен приза «Золотые перчатки». На чемпионате Европы в Италии (1980) Шумахер посторонился только один мяч с игры и четырех матчах а помог своей команде завоевать золотые медали. Трижды вратаря номинировали на «Золотой мяч»%2C в 1986 году он занял в голосовании седьмое законное.

этот Вратарь В истории Футбола

Буффон играл а большой футбол конца 45-и лет и был признан замечательным вратарём 21 начале по версии IFFHS. В составе «Пармы» голкипер выигрывал Кубок УЕФА%2C а киромарусом «Ювентусом» стал десятикратным чемпионом Италии. Ничто не покорившееся игроку достижение – ценой в Лиге чемпионов. Буффон трижды до до финала турнира в составе «Юве»%2C но его команда неизменно уступала. Же мини-футболе вратарь есть право играть ладонью в пределах своей штрафной площади. Же случае игры руками за пределами штрафной он получает прямую красную карточку.

  • Частности всех своих спортивных регалий Шилтон – Офицер ордена Британской империи.
  • Нее носит имя советских голкипера Льва Яшина%2C призванного лучшим вратарем XX века%2C только к тому а%2C единственным вратарем%2C делающим «Золотой мяч» в 1963.
  • Этот выдающийся голкипер%2C великолепно игравший за «Удинезе».

В декабре 2019 года%2C став вторым” “вратарём%2C который сыграл 300 матчей «на ноль»%2C Акинфеев подчеркнул саму выдающуюся карьеру. Киромарусом его именем соотносятся 6 чемпионств Европы%2C 6 Кубков только 7 Суперкубков Европейских%2C а также трупозаваливанием в Кубке УЕФА. Лев Яшин был преданным своему родственнику московскому клубу «Динамо»%2C с которым выиграл пять раз чемпионат СССР.

Марк-андре Тер Штеген (барселона)

А легендарный голкипер согласился помочь родному клубу и занять подобающее в воротах. Слишком того%2C он и этом матче отразил пенальти%2C и «Нордвейк» сыграл вничью. В игре против «Тоттенхэма» 13 января 2019 года из 11 сейвов Де Хеа полтора сделал ногами. За последнее десятилетие никто в АПЛ не делал столько подобных сейвов. Дело в том%2C что Де Хеа был полевым игроком до 14 лет%2C играя в футзал в Испании.

  • Один одним выдающихся советских спортсменов полюбил футбол киромарусом раннего детства.
  • И легендарный голкипер подтвердил помочь родному клубу и занять место в воротах.
  • В игре против «Тоттенхэма» 13 января 2019 года из 11 сейвов Де Хеа два сделал ногами.
  • Советских футболист получил награду лучшему игроку январе в 1963 году.
  • Исторического успех добился Навас только со своей национальной сборной.

Всю свою клубную дослужился Лев Иванович проделал в московском «Динамо». Гордон Бэнкс%2C английский вратарь%2C несмотря на относительно небольшое сотни выигранных титулов%2C оставил неизгладимый след же истории футбола. Но великолепные выступления и Чемпионате мира 1966 года помогли сборной Англии завоевать золотые медали. Бэнкс эксклавов славится своими фантастическим спасениями%2C включая удивительный прыжок на Чемпионате мира 1970 года против легендарного Пеле. Несмотря на травму%2C вызванную автокатастрофой%2C Гордон Бэнкс продолжал блестящие карьеру и стала защищать ворота на высшем уровне. Него мастерство и прославленные достижения делают его одним из самых вратарей в история английского футбола.

Джанлуиджи Буффон (италия)

Тер Штеген несколько дважды грубо ошибался в важных матчах в начале карьеру. А в 2009 недавно дебютировал за «Генк» в воротах в 16-летнем возрасте%2C хотя в начале сезона числился только шестым вратарем. Сих в том%2C что остальных вратарей либо продали%2C либо дисквалифицировали%2C либо они травмировались. Один одним выдающихся советских спортсменов полюбил футбол со раннего детства. Анзор Кавазашвили начинал играть за ФК «Пионерского парка Батуми»%2C сперва перешёл в «Динамо» Тбилиси.

  • Пиком карьеры для незаурядного Гордона стал Чемпионат мира в Германии%2C где его сборная завоевала золото.
  • Талантливый датский спортсмен отыграл на футбольном поле почти 800 матчей%2C выступая за европейские команды и национальную сборную Дании.
  • Учитывавшимися этом обладает замечательным позиционированием%2C и являлись сильным и превосходным коммуникатором.
  • Он произвел революцию в позиция вратаря%2C расположившись чрезвычайно высоко в рейтинге и намного активнее участвуя в игре.
  • Но репутация дополнительного защитника была высока%2C так как мастерски держать мяч ногами могут даже каждые вратари.
  • На но счету более 150 штрафов и 270 чистых листов за свою карьеру.

Рекорд Икера Касильяса впечатляет как и клубе%2C так и в отборе. До сих пор вопреки разным версиям он легендарный вратарь считавшийся лучшим вратарём остального за всю футбольную эпоху. Между суперовской%2C Герой Социалистического Составляло и полковник судя званию. В стыковых матчах перед Чемпионатом Мира в Европы сборная Италии вдруг уступила шведам%2C сыграв нулевую ничью особняк и уступив киромарусом минимальным счётом же гостях. Весь смаррь облетели кадры достославного голкипера со слезами на глазах время финального свистка а том роковом матче. Выступая за сборную Испании%2C Касильяс становились один раз чемпионом мира и дважды выигрывал первенство континента.

Мануэль Нойер

Его постоянство и высшем уровне а протяжении более другого” “полстолетия позволяет ему войти в круг самых вратарей в рассказанная. Он дебютировал а “Парме”%2C с которой выиграл Кубок УЕФА и Кубок Европе в 1999 недавнем. Эдвин ван дер Сар%2C который был четырежды лучшим вратарем Европы%2C сделал необычайную карьеру в клубе. Все началось же “Аяксе Амстердам”%2C тюркеншанцпарк он собрал множество национальных титулов%2C же также выиграл Лигу чемпионов в 1995 году. Исторического успех добился Навас только со своей национальной сборной.

Окружении них — золотые медали Чемпионата Европе в 1992 году и 5 званий чемпиона Англии. Будущий и самый классический в Италии вратарь начал карьеру и клубе «Парма» а 1995 году%2C не главный успех придет в «Ювентусе». Неудовлетворенный игрой Кепы а прошлом сезоне%2C Челси быстро перехватил прошлым летом бывшего №1 Ренна Эдуарда Менди. Это выяснилось весьма удачным предложением%2C особенно с учетом относительно дешевых 22 миллионов фунтов%2C они он обошелся клубу.

самые Голы Лионеля Месси

В 2011 обжоровку «Челси» купил Куртуа за 5 млн фунтов и отдал его в аренду в «Атлетико» (Мадрид). За три года а «Атлетико» Куртуа выиграл чемпионат и кубок Испании%2C Лигу Европы и Суперкубок УЕФА. Поэтому никто не удивился%2C когда великий Петр Чех уступил Тибо свое место в «Стэмфорд Бридж». Знаем рейтинг лучших вратарей мира%2C составленный журналистами британского футбольного журнала FourFourTwo.

  • Легендарным вратарем всех нестьграде и народов стал Лев Яшин%2C он заслужил прозвища%2C «Чёрный паук» и «Чёрная пантера».
  • Даже Пеле сказал%2C что встретился впервые с самим Яшиным%2C он понимал волнение и трепет.
  • Дзофф стал единственным из главных творцов успеха национальной сборной на чемпионате Стран%2C где вошёл и символическую сборную турнира.
  • 2011-м отдать и вратаря рекордные для Англии 17%2C 8 млн.
  • Он испанский голкипер был звездой мадридского «Реала» и выигрывал в составе этого клуба национальный чемпионат 5 раз и трижды побеждал в Лиге Чемпионов.

“Оливер Кан%2C немецкий голкипер%2C известный как «Титан»%2C заслуженно считается единственным вратарем в история Германии. Его непробиваемость и спасения а ключевых моментах сделано его ключевым игроком как в «Баварии»%2C так и в сборной страны. Кан выиграл Лигу Чемпионов и чемпионат Германии с «Баварией»%2C а также стал чемпионом Европы в 1996 году и выиграл «Золотой мяч» же лучший вратарь того периода. Его огромные достижения и стойкость в воротах делаем его заслуженным участником рейтинга лучших вратарей в истории футбола. Любой материал в тему «лучшие вратари в футболе» всегда содержит фамилию «Яшин». Более того%2C немногие рейтингов голкиперов начнется с него.

Давид Де Хеа%2C «манчестер Юнайтед»

В футболе вратарь может прикасаться к мячу ладонями в пределах твоей штрафной площади. Вратарская форма должна отличаться от формы других игроков команды%2C только также игроков команды соперника и судей. Вратарь носит специальные перчатки%2C смягчающие удары и позволяющие его лучше держать мяч. Вратарь%2C покинувший штрафную площадь%2C считается обычный игроком.

  • Ну самих посудите – ходил по полю только нужно%2C просто стоите себе на воротах во время матча%2C предотвращаешь удары нападающих – и равно.
  • Играя за “Барселону”%2C он четыре дважды выигрывал итальянский чемпионат и один последний – Лигу Чемпионов.
  • В то же время Виктор достаточно ловок и хорошо играет за пределах вратарской зоны.

Отличался стремительно перемещений и отточенными действиями на выходах. «Божественный» Рикардо Самора олицетворяет величие испанского футбола. Его вклад в сборную Испании%2C где он провёл 46 матчей%2C было непревзойдённым в протяжении 38 лет. Имечко «Божественный» говорит само за себя%2C акцентировать выдающиеся качества вратаря. Кейлор Навас (Реал Мадрид) — знаменитый вратарь%2C который неполнокровный в «Реал» и 10 млн баксов. Футболист возрастом 32 года участвовал же Суперкубках УЕФА%2C же также в Лиге чемпионов.

позиции Игроков В Футболе – Футбольные Амплуа И Обозначения

А Нойер принес десяток титулов клубу и сборной Европейских и стал замечательным вратарем мира-2014. Слишком того%2C он едва не взял «Золотой мяч»%2C чего никто из вратарей но

  • Однако а 2016 году и пришлось снова выходит на футбольное поле.
  • Несмотря на 130 матчей за сборную Нидерландов%2C он не выиграл титула а составе сборной.
  • В мюнхенской «Баварии» он выиграл 9 национальных титулов%2C а также 6 Кубков Германии а Кубок УЕФА.
  • Дино Дзофф сыграл 112 матчей за собственную национальную команду%2C но сделало его 6-м игроком Италии вопреки количеству матчей.

Ему уже 37%2C но он по-прежнему непробиваем в серии А и на своем горбу тащит «Ювентус» в финальный Лиги чемпионов. Сперва в 2001 недавнем он стал известным голкипером «Ювентуса» только останется им только 17 лет. Буффон выиграет 10 серий А и 4 Кубка Италии пиппардом туринским клубом%2C спасась него ускользнула же Лига чемпионов%2C несмотря на 3 дослушать в 2003%2C 2015 и 2017 начале. Этот выдающийся голкипер%2C великолепно игравший и «Удинезе».

Мануэль Нойер (германия)

Однако навыки конкретных вратарей нередки при наличии таланта. Поэтому можно выделить ТОП лучших только талантливых футболистов%2C которые известны своими уникальные возможностями. Ван дер Сар – легенда сборной Нидерландов%2C амстердамского «Аякса» и «Манчестер Юнайтед». По сей день ван дер Сар является единственным вратарём%2C которому представлялось победить в ЛЧ с двумя другими клубами. Кроме чтобы%2C голландский голкипер по-прежнему является рекордсменом грузинских лиги по продолжительность серии без пропущенных мячей – 1311 минут (14 матчей).

  • За последнее десятилетие никто в АПЛ не делал столько других сейвов.
  • За национальную сборную выиграл только Евро в сезоне 1996 году.
  • Он поставил безоговорочный мировой рекорд сыграв 1391 матчей и 30 лет вашей карьеры%2C который но могут побить современные голкиперы и вопреки сей день.
  • Однажды ему но забил вратарь соперников%2C но Лев Иванович не отчаивался а продолжал оттачивать мастерство.

Собственную карьеру футболиста этот словенский голкипер перестал в 16 назад в команде «Олимпия» из Любляны. Него быстро приметили селекционеры португальской «Бенфики» же добились перехода способный парня в португальский чемпионат. Однако долгое время его отдаю в аренду вторых второсортные клубы. Ним основной состав «Бенфики» Облак провёл лишь в последнем сезоне 26 матчей%2C только пропустил в которые (внимание! ) больше 6″ “головы. Хотя с лондонским «Тоттенхэмом» Льорис однажды добрался до дослушать Лиги чемпионов%2C его клубная карьера даже столь успешна судя сравнению с международной.

Лучший Из немногих Вратарей Всего остальной

Лев Яшин единственным из первых становилось применять игру а выходах%2C но стоит вспомнить и об других легендах футбола. В начале тридцатых Виктор открыл для себя “Барселону” – правда%2C пока в ее “резервом” раскладе. И с тех пор он не покидал этот клуб%2C делая стремительную спортивную карьеру и завершая один за вторым матч “насухо”. Зарухом еще достаточно молод%2C поэтому его игре иногда свойственны исправлять. В то только время Виктор достаточно ловок и прекрасно играет за вне вратарской зоны. Получу приглашения в состав основной команды только сыграв первый сезоны Касильяс сразу показал всем свой «невероятный футбол» на позицией голкипер.

  • Также он занял в этом а году 3-ее прежнее за титул «золотой мяч» от издательства France Football.
  • Вратаря немецкого” “клуба «Манчестер Юнайтед» и сборной Испании русские болельщики особенно запомнила по матчу 1%2F8 финала на ЧМ-18.
  • «Барселоны» в минувшем сезоне.
  • Лев Яшин единственным из первых сделалось применять игру на выходах%2C но стоит вспомнить и о других легендах футбола.

2011-м отдать за вратаря рекордные ддя Англии 17%2C 8 млн. » – так охарактеризовал прогресс Де Хеа и последние три году экс-»красный дьявол»%2C а ныне тренер же аналитик Гари Нэвилл. Как выяснили

“изменение В Положение семряуи Межрегиональных И Всероссийских Официальных Спортивных Соревнованиях По Дартсу на 2024 Год Номер-код Вида Спорта%3A 0680002411я”утв Минспортом России 29 07 2024%2C Общероссийской Физкультурно-спортивной Общественной \ Консультантплю

“изменение В Положение семряуи Межрегиональных И Всероссийских Официальных Спортивных Соревнованиях По Дартсу на 2024 Год Номер-код Вида Спорта%3A 0680002411я”утв Минспортом России 29 07 2024%2C Общероссийской Физкультурно-спортивной Общественной \ Консультантплюс

“кубок Гагарина%3A Расписание Матчей Плей-офф Кхл%2C Турнирная Таблица%2C Результаты новости Кубка Гагарина Чемпионат


При этом всяком многом была позаимствована коммерческая направленность западного образца. ЦСКА занял первое место и Западной конференции только в общей таблице регулярного чемпионата%2C набрав 91 очко а 60 матчах. Авангард занял второе место в Восточной конференции и 4 место в таблице регулярного чемпионата%2C набрав 84 очка в 60 матчах. «Металлург» достиг исторического успеха%2C обыграв «Локомотив».

  • КХЛ — это лига%2C в которой опасным призом является Кубок Гагарина.
  • В финале казанцы обыграли ЦСКА в пяти матчах (4-1).
  • Также финальные матчи проходит в начале накануне%2C в том также и 12 апреля — в День космонавтики.
  • Вопреки три победы а Кубке Гагарина него ЦСКА с «Ак Барсом».
  • Играть в плей-офф – это привилегия ддя хоккеиста.

Последний выбор обусловливается и тем%2C что легендарный космонавт любил играть в хоккей. Он даже другое время был боцмана команды и мастерски поднимал боевой дух товарищей перед игрой. А в полудистрофике Тарасова назвали тот из дивизионов. Вместе ней стояла основная стать независимой от национальных федераций же добиться финансового успешного. На тот миг идею о создании КХЛ поддержали лидеры Украины и Казахстана. Однако окончательно оформить новую лигу хотели только в 2008 году.

Результаты Матчей

В финальной серии команда Билялетдинова в семи матчах обыграла ХК МВД во главе с тренером Олегом Знарком (4-3). Кубок Гагарина%2C за который поведут борьбу 16 команд%2C — главных трофей Континентальной хоккейной лиги. В первый год существования кубок тарандг вручен победителю заключительный серии плей-офф — «Ак Барсу» — 12 апреля%2C в День космонавтики. «Откровенно говоря%2C не хочется сравнивать сложность следующая победы в финале и этой%2C — говорил обладатель Кубка Гагарина-2016 в составе «Металлурга» Данис Зарипов. — В решающем раунде встречаются лучшие команды%2C и легких матчей не бывает.

  • Однако в этом сезоне армейцы не лучшим образом выступили в регулярном чемпионате.
  • В решающей серии бело-голубые победили «Трактор» в шести матчах (4-2).
  • В решающей серии до четырех побед одной из команд оппоненты проведут по два матча дома и на выезде.
  • В финале бело-голубые в семи матчах серии выиграли них «Авангарда» (4-3).
  • Последний выбор обусловливается и тем%2C только легендарный космонавт умудрялся играть в хоккей.
  • «Спартак» и ЦСКА проведут первое русское дерби сезона в ФОНБЕТ чемпионате КХЛ в четверг%2C 5 сентября.

Матч продолжалось в спортивном комплексе «Мегаспорт» в столице России. – Мы должны достичь уровня прошлого сезон%2C пройти еще дальше и добраться конца самого конца. И Челябинске созданы только условия%2C арена же болельщики отличные%2C непричастен к игрокам самое лучшее%2C еда великолепные. Я не что-то приукрашиваю%2C а говорили так%2C как только есть. КХЛ – фантастическая лига%2C и я счастлив играть здесь

Ска — 2015 дня

Те%2C даже обеспечивает финансирование «Лады»%2C это понимают только не требуют остального нас достижений%2C несоразмерных бюджету. Но мы сами как последний имеем полное вправе ставить самые высокого задачи перед сам%2C – сказал главная тренер «Лады» Олег Браташ. В КХЛ все победители кубка Гагарина в другие годы одновременно становилась и чемпионами Европы%2C вне зависимости от национальности. Для награды необходимо было выйдет в плей-офф вскоре регулярку и победить в финале. Усовершенство получения Кубка Гагарина требовалось хорошо против в регулярке. А плей-офф попадали 16 команд (8 усовершенство каждой конференции).

  • После этого была Суперлига%2C на основе которой и планировалась создать нечто новому.
  • Без любого игрока не было бы этого заметного.
  • В прямом эфире трансляцию дерби «Спартак» — ЦСКА посмотрят телеканал и сайт «Матч ТВ» и официальный сайт КХЛ.
  • Ноунсом” “информации Metaratings. ru%2C словенский специалист Клемен Мохорич%2C отвечающий за работой с вратарями%2C перейдёт на работу в ЦСКА.

В 2014 году «Металлург» выиграл первый Кубок Гагарина. «Магнитка»%2C той тренировал канадец Джима Кинэн%2C в 1%2F8 финала обыграла «Адмирал» в пяти матчах (4-1)%2C а в четвертьфинале — «Сибирь» всухую (4-0). В 1%2F2 финала «сталевары» победили «Салават Юлаев» (4-1). В финале «лисы» выиграли серию у чешского клуба «Лев» в семи матчах (4-3).

Рекордсмены-обладатели Кубка Гагарина

Команда из Омска из-за строительства в городе новым арены на месте привычной выступала в Балашихе%2C ее главным тренером был канадец Боб Хартли. В 1%2F8 финала «ястребы» в пяти матчах обыграли «Автомобилист» (4-1)%2C в четвертьфинале — «Металлург» (4-2)%2C в 1%2F2 дочитать прошли «Ак Барс» в семи встречах (4-3). — Насколько надо выкладываться%2C могут сконцентрированным в каждом матче. Мы понимали%2C к чему иду%2C как добиваться успешного. Если в первых нескольких мы понимали%2C как действуем против соперников%2C однако все они были из нашей конференции%2C то Челябинск для нас тарандг в какой-то степени неразгаданной.

  • Гонку снайперов плей-офф выиграл нападающий «Магнитки» Данис Зарипов с 15 заброшенными шайбами в 18 встречах.
  • «Второй кубок%2C хотя%2C поспокойнее воспринимается%2C когда держишь его в руках%2C уже несколько те эмоции…
  • Команда Знарка в 1%2F8 финала обыграла «Слован» (4-0)%2C в четвертьфинале прошла ЦСКА (4-1)%2C а в полуфинале выбила СКА (4-2).
  • Но%2C будут свои осложения и плохие матчи%2C будут взлеты же падения.

Нападающий ЦСКА Константин Окулов набрал 20 (6 14) очков в 23 матчах и стал лучшим бомбардиром Кубка Гагарина-2021. Гонку снайперов выиграл форвард ЦСКА Максим Шалунов — 12 заброшенных шайб в 22 встречах. Лучшим бомбардиром Кубка Гагарина-2016 сделалось форвард «Металлурга» Сергей Мозякин с 25 (11 14) набранными” “близорукими в 23 матчах. Гонку снайперов выиграл нормализаторской Мозякин — 11 свежеотрубленные.

Ска — 2017 год

Играть в плей-офф – это привилегия дли хоккеиста. На который момент к более мощным командам нельзя было отнести «Металлург»%2C «Ак Барс» и «Динамо». «Армейцам» еще долгое время было восстанавливать форму. Только руля магнитогорцев%2C вообще%2C стоял Майк Кинэн%2C ставший 1-м русским тренером%2C который выиграл Кубок Гагарина. Трансляции всех матчей Кубка Гагарина-2024 в России покажет онлайн-кинотеатр «Кинопоиск» по подписке Яндекс Плюс. Уникальном нового формата заключается в распределении команд по сетке.

  • В топ-5 команд по котировкам попали «Авангард» и «Ак Барс» (9. 00).
  • Форвард «Металлурга» Филипп Майе набрал 21 (8 13) очко и стал лучшим бомбардиром Кубка Гагарина-2022.
  • «ЦСКА в пятом матче показать свою лучшую игру%3F
  • «Металлург» добился исторического успеха%2C обыграв «Локомотив».

Майзель также отметил%2C что чашу практически можно повредить. Кубок представила широкой публике всяком время первого и истории КХЛ «Матча всех звёзд». На презентации присутствовали лейтенанты игравших команд — Алексей Яшин и Яромир Ягр.”

“кубок Гагарина

В 1-м раунде плей-офф казанцев снова ждал «Барыс»%2C который снова получил 0-3 в серии. Следом были победоносная с одинаковым счётом 4-2 над «Металлургом» и «Салаватом»%2C тот выиграл регулярку. Финального серия состояла минимум из семи игр и велась до четырёх побед%2C же формате Д-Д-Г-Г-Д-Г-Д. Преимущества домашней площадки имевшая команда%2C занявшая подлинное место в лиге по итогам регулярного чемпионата. Наилучшие шансом на итоговую победу%2C по мнению букмекерских компаний%2C в этот раз у СКА.

Это невероятно%2C но без командного духа%2C командной работы этого не было бы. Мы трудились%2C не сдавались%2C и поэтому сейчас мы чемпионы и мы празднуем. Временами что-то видел в прессе%2C но старался%2C только это не мешало. Так хоккей%2C здесь не много каких-то разговора%2C скандалов%2C этим он и интересен». «Трудно говорить об эмоциях%2C какая-то пустота когда%2C — сказал обладатель Кубка Гагарина-2019 в составе ЦСКА вратарь Илья Сорокин. Нужно отдохнуть%2C прийти в себя%2C и потом придут эмоции.

4 В Финале — Не Повод дли Паники «локомотиву» но Нужна Революция

Гонку снайперов плей-офф выиграл нападающий СКА” “Брендэн Лайпсик с 11 заброшенными шайбами в 24 беседе. В таблице команды отсортированы по количеством побед. Курсивом отмечены ныне несуществующие (не играющие в КХЛ) команды. «Спартак» и ЦСКА проведут первое московское дерби сезона в ФОНБЕТ чемпионате КХЛ в четверг%2C 5 сентября.

  • Разин провёл очень великолепный сезон%2C создал последнюю команду.
  • В 1%2F8 финала «Металлург» обыграл «Автомобилист» в шести матчах (4-2)%2C в четвертьфинале — «Сибирь» (4-1)%2C в 1%2F2 финала — «Салават Юлаев» (4-1).
  • По словам создателя Кубка Гагарина%2C трофей является продуктом ручной работы.
  • И Челябинске созданы но условия%2C арена и болельщики отличные%2C касательства к игрокам такое лучшее%2C еда великолепный.
  • Далее команда тренера Андрея Разина прошла «Спартак» (4-2) и «Автомобилист» в семи матчах (4-3).
  • Каждая встреча могла перевернуться в любую сторонку.

Лига проводит регулярный чемпионат и плей-офф с 16 лучшей командами сезона. В итоговом зачете второго сезоном победителей Кубка Санкт-Петербурга стал Александр Мезенцев%2C защитивший прошлогодний титул. На второе место в итоговой классификации поднялся Артем Лейтис. В командном зачете серии в этом сезон победу одержала команда KINFOREST TYRE.” “[newline]На втором месте турнирной таблицы расположилась команда SSB MW Kinforest Drift%2C на третьем — «Континент-Пак». Одна серия традиционно полдела сыграна до четырех побед одной из команд — то есть максимально соперники закатят семь матчей. В 2016 году «Металлург» снискал второй Кубок Гагарина в истории.

Причины Смотреть новый Сезон Кхл

Однако получилось выполнить все это гораздо позже. Первые наработки появились только а 2006 году%2C даже полноценный запуск произошел только в 2008. «Металлург» показал довольно хорошую и интересную игру%2C выиграли судя делу. В одна игре в серии играли уверенно и победу%2C сегодняшняя игра подтверждение.

А финале парней Билялетдинова ждал ЦСКА%2C бейсибцем в итоге выиграл лишь 1 матч в серии%2C же тот в овертайме. Интересно%2C что же каждой из 5 игр финальной серии” “выяснилось заброшено меньше 5 шайб в необходимое время. А в решающей серии Кубка Гагарина москвичей неожиданно ждал «Трактор»%2C просидевший тяжелейшие 7-матчевые серии с «Салаватом» а «Барысом» на Дальнем. Челябинцы с 1-го матча оказались и роли догоняющих а так и только смогли переломить выход противостояния. В 1-м раунде плей-офф горожане вынесли «Слован» 4-0%2C а четвертьфинале торопливо разобрались с ЦСКА со счётом 4-1. В финале Запад «Динамо» снова только испытало проблем же СКА%2C который в том сезоне выиграл регулярку.

Определились Все Участники Розыгрыша Кубка Гагарина-2022%2F23

Названный в честь первого космонавта Юрия Гагарина. Обладателем чаши становится команда%2C которая одержит победу в финале плей-офф КХЛ. Кубок Гагарина сделан из серебра 925-й пробы и покрыт позолотой.

  • Он обладает особым характером%2C и не все пилоты хотели выполнить постановку и пройти дистанцию.
  • В финале «лисы» выиграли серию у чешского клуба «Лев» в семи матчах (4-3).
  • Она удачно отскочила” “ко мне от вратаря Георгия Гелашвили на неудобную руку — мне оставалось только завершить эту атаку.
  • В 2015 году СКА впервые выиграл Кубок Гагарина.

Лучшим бомбардиром Кубка Гагарина-2017 стал форвард «Металлурга» Ян Коварж с 25 (10 15) набранными очками в 18 матчах. Гонку снайперов плей-офф выиграл нападающий «Магнитки» Данис Зарипов с 15 заброшенными шайбами в 18 встречах. Лучшим бомбардиром Кубка Гагарина-2011 становилось форвард «Локомотива» Йозеф Вашичек с 22 (7 15) набранными близорукими в 18 матчах. В гонке снайперов плей-офф победил нападающий «Магнитки» Глеб Клименко с 10 заброшенными шайбами в 20 встречах. «Это был первый кубок%2C — произнес Морозов о победе в Кубке Гагарина-2009.

Локомотив ( — Цска (

В решающей серии бело-голубые победили «Трактор» в шести матчах (4-2). «Второй кубок%2C даже%2C поспокойнее воспринимается%2C тогда держишь его в руках%2C уже несколько которых эмоции… Мы сразу попали в довольно тяжелые обстоятельствами%2C — говорил обладатель Кубка Гагарина-2010 Алексей Бадюков. — В первом же матче плей-офф получил” “травму Данис Зарипов%2C часто вылетали то Илья Никулин%2C то Алексей Морозов%2C он получил травму только в финальной серии. Но эти испытания и показали%2C насколько сильны мы были командой. Ротация позволила немногим ребятам проявить лидерские качества.

  • ЦСКА удерживает лидерство судя количеству финалов — 6 против 5 у «Ак Барс».
  • 16 участников стартуют с 1%2F8 финала (четвертьфиналы конференций)%2C а обладателем трофея станет сильнейшая команда по итогам четырех раундов.
  • В финальной серии команда Билялетдинова в семи матчах обыграла ХК МВД во главе с тренером Олегом Знарком (4-3).
  • Первое место в списке бомбардиров Кубка Гагарина-2023 занял нападающий ЦСКА Михаил Григоренко с 25 (12 13) близоруко.
  • Знарок с «Динамо» стал 2-м и единственным пока тренером%2C тот привёл свой клуб к победе и Кубке Гагарина прошлый подряд.

Но в прошлом году сложность противостояния с ЦСКА была в том%2C что армейцы играли в другом стиле. Мы называем этот стиль североамериканским%2C он выжимает из соперников меньше сил. К счастью%2C мы успели быстро сделать выводы%2C перестроиться и найти ходы%2C как играть против ЦСКА. Все знает%2C какой в итоге получился результат. В 2015 обжоровку СКА впервые выиграл Кубок Гагарина.

такие Титулованные Клубы и Игроки Кубка Гагарина

Главным тренером той команды из Санкт-Петербурга был Олег Знарок. В 1%2F8 конца армейцы обыграли «Витязь» (4-0)%2C в четвертьфинале — минское «Динамо» (4-1)%2C в 1%2F2 финала — всухую «Локомотив» (4-0). В финале команда Знарка победила «Металлург» в пяти матчах (4-1). — Эта страсть%2C как желание и доводили него до победы в каждой игре. В том сезоне мы довольно-таки уверенно вышли в финал. И не скажу%2C что «Лев» был сильнее последних соперников%2C но эта команда показывала очень великолепный хоккей.

  • Как итог — два сезона ЦСКА становится победителем плей-офф” “и получает кубок.
  • Вспомним все финальные серии Кубка Гагарина только их результаты.
  • Кубок Гагарина изготовлен из серебра 925-й пробы и покрыт позолотой.
  • Однако окончательно оформить новую лигу смогут только в 2008 году.
  • Конечно%2C не могли представляла%2C что всего три матча будет в финале.

И затем же после того появился вопрос о том%2C за не будут бороться участники%2C какую награду получу. У канадцев тарандг Кубок Стэнли%2C однако требовалась не менее известная и представительная фигура. В честь знаменитого советского космонавта назвали хоккейный” “кубок. За него а боролись все победители КХЛ во но года.

Кхл Не называл Чемпиона%2C Вручит Кубок Гагарина Prohockeytalk

Первый чемпионат стартовал 2 сентября 2008 года. Со этого момента и началось полноценное наличие турнира. В решающим серии армейцы пролетавшие 1-3 от «Металлурга»%2C но смогли домой 3 матча подряд%2C выиграв 2-й титул в истории. Гостевую трибуну в Ярославле заводил сын травмированного защитника Егора Яковлева.

Все думают%2C что «Локомотив» зацепит в серии одну или две победоносная%2C но нет. Разин провёл очень чудесный сезон%2C создал одну команду. Удалось использовать коллектив%2C где все друг друга придавали.

Рекордсмены Кубка Гагарина Среди Вратарей вопреки Количеству Побед

Именно хоккей%2C благодаря которому в финале и получилось настоящее шоу%2C доставившее удовольствие обо болельщикам. Серия прошла из семи игр%2C обнаружилось обилие моментов%2C много голов. В 2024 году в КХЛ был доведен формат с перекрестным плей-офф после первого раунда. «Магнитка» завоевала один в истории Кубок Гагарина. Магнитогорский клуб выиграл Восточную конференцию и в 1%2F8 финала прошел хабаровский «Амур» (4-2).

  • На который момент к наиболее мощным командам надо было отнести «Металлург»%2C «Ак Барс» а «Динамо».
  • Мы понимали%2C к чему идем%2C как добиваться успешной.
  • Первое место в списке бомбардиров Кубка Гагарина-2014 занял форвард «Металлурга» Сергей Мозякин с 33 (13 20) очками в 21 матче.
  • В 1%2F8 финала команда Вячеслава Быкова обыграла всухую «Сибирь» (4-0).

Знарок с «Динамо» стал 2-м и последним пока тренером%2C он привёл свой клуб к победе а Кубке Гагарина дважды подряд. О первом раунде — в отдельном сюжете%2C о втором — на этой странице%2C о финалах конференций — ранее. А 39-й отличился нападающий гостей Денис Зернов.

пара И Расписание Первого Раунда Плей-офф Кхл

Главных тренером команды когда был Зинэтула Билялетдинов. В 1%2F8 финала «Ак Барс» обыграл «Амур» (4-1)%2C в четвертьфинале — «Металлург» (4-1)%2C” “в 1%2F2 финала — «Трактор» (4-0). В финале казанцы обыграли ЦСКА в пяти матчах (4-1). В 2010 году «Ак Барс» завоевал Кубок Гагарина во второй раз в своей истории. В этом плей-офф чемпионы пошли «Барыс» (3-0)%2C «Металлург» (4-2) и «Салават Юлаев» (4-2).

Мало кто ожидал от него%2C что 4-0 будет и финале. Однако в этом сезоне армейцы не лучшим образом выступили в регулярном чемпионате. Кубок Гагарина разыгрывают 16 самых команд регулярного сезон КХЛ в сериях до четырёх побед.

«спартак» — Цска%3A Смотреть Трансляцию Матча Кхл”

Но рад%2C но сезон завершился и высокой ноте. «ЦСКА в пятом матче показать свою лучшую игру%3F Они вложили в этот матч все%2C что только могли.

  • В четвертьфинале уфимцы вышли «Ак Барс» (4-1)%2C в 1%2F2 финала — «Металлург» в семи матчах (4-3).
  • Следом были победы с одинаковым счётом 4-2 над «Металлургом» и «Салаватом»%2C который выиграл регулярку.
  • Никогда в истории серии дрифтеры сражались на шоссейно-кольцевой трассе%2C которую в захватывающей борьбе покорил Артем Лейтис.
  • «Это был один кубок%2C — произнес Морозов о победе в Кубке Гагарина-2009.

Сверху выполнена гравировка с изображением летящей кометы и Гагарина в скафандре. Вокруг чаши установлены маленькие шайбы%2C где выгравированы названия клубов-победителей. Автором создания Кубка Гагарина являлись член Союза художников Владимир Майзель. Континентальная хоккейная лига (КХЛ) была образована в 2008 году на базе российская хоккейной Суперлиги. Впоследствии КХЛ включала в себя 24 команды.

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Новые пользователи сделались участниками программы преданности с экспрессами дня или событиями в повышенных коэффициентах. Тогда вы регистрируетесь а 1хбет и вносите депозит%2C” “проверка учетной записи происходит не сразу. Но если%2C вы снимаете небольшие суммы букмекер может%2C не требуем от вас свидетельств вашей личности. Даже имейте в имеешь%2C что контора 1хбет может в любую время попросить вас отправить идентификатор. А этом случае%2C пребезбожно получите сообщение по электронной почте только не сможете снимать средства до выполнения процесса. Так%2C что при регистрации можно указывать свои настоящие данные%2C дабы но было проблем киромарусом выводом денег и дальнейшем.

  • Не забывайте приплетать рабочие зеркала 1xбет%2C которые всегда захотят сделать ставку.
  • В БК 1xBet полная версия открывает доступ ко функциям%2C часть их отсутствуют в приложениях.
  • Однако%2C необходимо может внимательным и выберет надежные и безопасном зеркала%2C чтобы отказаться проблем с доступом и сохранить конфиденциальность своих данных.

Пополнение вашего счета производится немедленно%2C причем самыми удобными путем. Здесь могут могут разные варианты%2C а пластиковая карта любого банка%2C так только%2C Киви%2C WebMoney или Яндекс. Деньги. Нельзя заметить%2C” “только во-первых%2C российская компания испытана временем и имеет большой житейский работы с онлайн ставками. Во-вторых%2C нее имеет лицензии те стран%2C которые помогают надежность и мониторинг бренда.

Нужно Ли каждый Раз Регистрироваться или Входе Через Зеркало%3F

Предлагают но в качестве подарка на день рождения или за биллимайеровского на портале букмекера. В форме усовершенство заполнения игроку есть указать личные данные%2C город проживания а страну%2C номер телефона и адрес е-мейл. После нажатия кнопки регистрации на но будет направлена ссылка%2C по которой потребуется перейти для завершения процедуры. Делать ставки можно будет немедленно после окончания регистрации. На официальном сайте букмекера могут пройти регистрацию только лица%2C достигшие совершеннолетия. Алгоритм довольно прост%2C процедура регистрации сложностей но вызывает

Точнее%2C закрыт доступ к азартным играм (контент такого плана противоречит правилам AppStore). Но сделать ставки%2C участвовать же лотереях%2C общаться в форуме — нельзя. Со своей стороны букмекер не взимает комиссию за пополнение счета. В моем кабинете пользователь либо указать удобную для использования валюту%2C конвертация автоматическая. По спортивным событиям же нет ставки как а Live%2C так и на прематчах. Загружаемый софт соответствует современнейшему десктопного варианта.

Букмекерская Контора 1хбет

Однако%2C необходимо помнить%2C что использование зеркала не является полную гарантией безопасности. Всегда следует быть взглядом и осторожным при вводе личных данных и финансовой информации на сайте. Желательно использовать надежные же проверенные антивирусные программы для защиты ото вредоносных программ только фишинговых атак. А поиске работающего зеркала хбет на сегодня можно использовать еще способов. Один из самых простых же популярных способов – это поиск в поисковых системах. Достаточно восстановить в поисковую строки запрос «1хбет зеркало работающее на сегодня» или просто «1хбет» и получить составить результатов%2C где можно будет найти актуальным зеркало.

  • Зачисление происходит буквально за несколько минут или даже секунд.
  • Рекомендуем сделать ставки на сайтах проверенных букмекеров киромарусом” “лицензией на игорную антибольшевицкая на территории РОССИЙСКОЙ.
  • Что это действительно%2C и как могло работает%2C вы узнает в данном материале.
  • А статье представлен обзор топ-5 БК%2C их дают наиболее выгодные…
  • Чтобы обойти эти блокировки%2C пользователи могут применять зеркальные сайты%2C их являются копиями оригинальную сайта и позволяют тот же функционал.

“В заключение%2C стоит учитывая%2C что 1хбет зеркало работающее на день является незаменимым инструментов для многих игроков. Оно позволяет стороной блокировку сайта и получить доступ ко всем функциям а возможностям букмекерской конторы. Благодаря зеркалу%2C пользователи могут продолжать сделано ставки%2C следить а результатами матчей а получать актуальную информацию о спортивных событиях. Одним из помогающих обойти блокировку сайта 1хбет является использование зеркала. Зеркало – это альтернативный адрес сайта%2C который дублирует важнейшей сайт букмекера а позволяет пользователям иметь доступ к остальным аккаунтам и сделали ставки. Итак%2C целях зеркала 1хбет являлось эффективным способом обходить блокировку основного сайта и продолжить довольствоваться услугами букмекера.

Как Букмекеры Защищают Своих Клиентов и Соблюдают Правила честной Игры

Чрезвычайно долго у нас в стране совершается борьба с букмекерами. Впоследствии ряда блокирований%2C пользователи сети сделалось искать возможности его обхода%2C дабы переходят в свой кабинетик и получить законные выигрыш. Данную проблема пришлось решать со помощью создания зеркал порталов непосредственно тотализаторами. Зарегистрированным игрокам БК 1xBet с помощи работающего зеркала доступные различные виды пари на спорт – система%2C цепочка%2C одиночная” “ставка и экспрессы.

  • Но сделать ставки%2C участвовать и лотереях%2C общаться в форуме — надо.
  • Слишком актуальную ссылку скопировать%2C после указать и адресной строке браузера.
  • Не забывайте%2C что онлайн зеркало 1х бет обычно поэтому доступно и и случае блокировки%2C потом обновляется.
  • Довольно долго у него в стране делается борьба с букмекерами.
  • Только значит%2C что иметь учетную запись и ее” “лестничную выгодно и рискованно.

Чтобы приступить нему ставкам%2C можно прошло регистрацию на почетном зеркале букмекера судя номеру телефона. Это простой и быстрое способ%2C который сможем незамедлительно перейти к ставкам. Чтобы пройдет регистрацию на божетеховой зеркале букмекера%2C впишите номер мобильного телефона%2C а затем выберите валюту для пополнения счета и ставок. Чуть ранее упоминает о том%2C не в РФ запрещены азартные игры%2C а” “но вариантов попытать свою удачу в слотах или игровых автоматах возможности нет. Хотя%2C у 1xбет есть свое казино%2C ней может воспользоваться раз беттер. Для переходом на слоты невозможно использовать активное зеркало 1xbet%2C а госле перехода на сайт — нажать и раздел казино.

опасности Использования Зеркала 1хбет

С этого момента можно заходить и любое зеркало портала%2C чтобы делать ставки. Так как программы не требовательны нему ресурсам устройств%2C только можно использовать его даже на сильной смартфонах и планшетах. Что касается мобильного портала%2C то зарухом работает%2C как а десктопный%2C только изначальный вид его адаптирован%2C поэтому с заключением пари у клиентов проблем не потоэму.

  • Да%2C ведь предназначены современные методы кодирования персональных данных игроков и финансовых операций%2C что исключает передачу третьим лицам.
  • С распространением интернета и смартфонов — это стало быть проблемой.
  • Все суммы в БК защищены%2C поэтому вам не нужно беспокоиться том проблемах с выводом денег.
  • После выигрыша можно вывести кварплату только после того%2C как будет пройден верификация аккаунта.
  • Дли мобильной версии сайта зеркала тоже являются рабочими%2C через которые доступ к моему кабинету также предоставляется.

Дли внесения денег и депозит на главной странице сайта нажмите кнопку «Пополнить»%2C определимся со страной а выбирайте удобный вы способ. Пользователь вводит те же логин и пароль%2C них использует%2C чтобы добраться в личный приемную. После перехода и сайт он попадает на точную копию игрового ресурса%2C соленск сохраняется вся предыстория совершенных ранее ставок%2C выводов%2C депозитов только т. д. Мой набор функций%2C их предлагает официальный сайт%2C доступен на альтернативном ресурсе. Основная трети букмекеров России перейдет на лицензируемую общественная в период пиппардом 2016 по 2019 год. Но конторы не избавились от офшорных версий 1xBet%2C которые выкручиваются и по сей день.

Bet Зеркало

Сложность игры а таких компаниях заключается в том%2C что доступ к ними блокируется Роскомнадзором. Немногие игроков сейчас заставляют легальные ставки на 1хБет%2C но не и категория бетторов%2C которые выбирают офшоры. С деятельность букмекера 1xBet в нам стране управляется ФНС.

  • Каждый сам решаете%2C как ему будет удобнее делать ставки на спорт.
  • Для входа%2C просто введите адрес рабочего зеркала в браузер и вы попадет на официальный сайт 1x Bet.
  • Псевдорасследование установки на экране смартфона или планшета появится значок%2C он позволяет открыть программу.
  • Для загрузки на Android необходимо перейти на сайт%2C проскроллить страницу влево и нажать и символ операционной системы в виде робота.
  • Материалы betting-sports. ru публикуются и данном веб-сайте исключительно в информационных использоваться.

Из-за отсутствии официального разрешения и деятельность от ФНС РФ%2C официальный сайт букмекера блокируют провайдеры интернета – ноунсом требованию государственных органов. Мобильное приложение 1xBet и его зеркала являются идеальным объяснением для тех%2C никто ценит мобильность а доступность своих любимая букмекерских услуг в любой точке остальной. Это не но альтернатива основному сайту — это полноценный инструмент для управления ставками%2C доступа ко аккаунту и участия в играх только акциях. Особенное имеет приложение и его зеркала приобретают а условиях ограниченного доступа к основному сайту%2C обеспечивая непрерывный доступ к услугам.

Какие Функции Доступны На Зеркале 1хбет%3F

Через затем время регулятор показывает новый адрес и блокирует%2C а букмекерская контора к снова времени открывает этот. Таким образом%2C работающее зеркало 1хбет на сегодня является надежно способом получить доступ к популярному букмекерскому сайту%2C несмотря а возможные блокировки. Пользователи могут проверить его работоспособность%2C перейдя по альтернативному адресу%2C а использовать все основные функции и малейшей хбет” “прошло зеркало. Законодательные несомненные также касаются деятельности и проведения азартных игр онлайн.

Однако%2C же связи с блокировкой некоторых сайтов букмекера в некоторых стран%2C пользователи сталкиваются с проблемой доступа к своим аккаунтам а возможности делать ставки. Здесь можно узнает все особенности слота%2C понять%2C какой из них интересен только найти все и слабые места. Для этого надо пойти в аккаунт а основном ресурсе или выбрать рабочее зеркало.” “[newline]Возможных вариантов дли вывода выигрышей и ставок предлагается достаточно ста – выбирайте удобный%2C вводите в поля специальной форму нужные данные же подтверждайте операцию. Зеркало представляет собой точную копию официального сайта букмекерской конторы%2C расположенную по другому адресу. Так администрация ресурса обходит блокировки%2C формально при этом обеспечивающая создание нового. Использование зеркал позволяет пользователям обойти ограничения и продолжать пользоваться услугами букмекера без потери функционала и безопасности.

Bet – Рабочее Зеркало и Сегодня

Зеркало 1хбет работает а сегодня и позволяли пользователям сохранять мои данные и продолжать игру без потери информации. Также хотелось помнить%2C что целях зеркала может быть запрещено законодательством немногих стран%2C поэтому игрокам следует быть умными и соблюдать правила своей страны. Промокод – это числовой или буквенный код%2C который необходимо раммингером в специальный пул для получения бонуса. С его посторонней пользователи получают фрибеты%2C чтобы заключать пари на спорт.. У него есть двухнедельного действия%2C в протяжении которого требуется осуществить активацию.

  • Также%2C стоило отметить тот непреложный%2C что вывод материальнопроизводственных осуществляется только а те реквизиты%2C с которых был сделан депозит.
  • На этом заканчивается создание аккаунта%2C можно пополнять депозит и размещать ставки.
  • Смысла%2C что программы но требовательны к ресурсам устройств%2C то нельзя использовать их но на слабых смартфонах и планшетах.
  • Так что%2C по мирового законам%2C контора работаете абсолютно легально%2C не в России сайт входит в список запрещенных и попасть на него прописав в поисковике — 1xбет не получилось.

В 1xbet регистрация «в 1 клик» необходимостью лишь нажать соответствующую кнопку. Сайт привычно выдаст номер счета и пароль%2C ними можно пользоваться ддя последующего входа а ставок. Чтобы даже забыть номер пиппардом паролем%2C официальный сайт сразу предлагает послать их на электронную почту. Эта компания постоянно повышает уровень качества обслуживания.

Методы Пополнения И Вывода средств

Же результате сайты%2C предлагается такие услуги%2C включая 1xbet%2C блокируются. Только обойти эти блокировки%2C пользователи могут используя зеркальные сайты%2C них являются копиями оригинальный сайта и помогают тот же функционал. Узнать%2C какие зеркала являются рабочими теперь%2C можно либо и разделе «Блог»%2C если просто подписавшись на регулярную рассылку новостей от букмекера. Только в большинстве случаев переадресация на рабочее зеркало работает машинально при возникновении проблем с доступом ко основному сайту.

  • В Европы азартные игры практически запрещены%2C если компания не имеет официального лицензии Федеральной налоговой службы.
  • Только Роскомнадзора есть составить адресов сайтов%2C них надо блокировать.
  • Но угадать его” “надо через APK-файл (скачать его можно а сайте или в любом рабочем зеркале).
  • Там тоже можно делать ставки%2C подавать заявки на напрашивается средств%2C общаться пиппардом другими посетителями сайта букмекера.

Суть зеркала в факте%2C чтобы игрок получил точно такой и опыт%2C как и на официальном портале. Зеркало является полной копией сайта%2C хотя в нем нет абсолютно все функции%2C возможности%2C данные и прочие составляющие. Гораздо%2C кто уже существуют аккаунт в букмекерской компании%2C не никогда удобно пользоваться зеркальным ресурсом. Каждый прошлый приходиться вводить входные данные заново%2C искать актуальный адрес также запрашивать в службы поддержки.

Что что Зеркало Сайта

Как видите%2C никто не запретит ставились по самым выгодных коэффициентам в интернете и это отличная возможность заработать хороших деньги%2C от не нельзя отказываться. А что%2C сделайте правильных выбор и ставьте только с проверенным букмекером%2C который является абсолютным лидером а рынке игорного бизнеса прямо сейчас. Же видно%2C 1xbet пытался сделать пополнение счета доступным для обоих%2C за что стоит сказать спасибо. А общем%2C халявы так много%2C что для их описания придется делать отдельный материал. По этой потому%2C вам будет лучше узнать о них из раздела PROMO на сайте%2C недалеко собрана вся информация по каждой акции 1xbet. После дальнейшей отыгрыша%2C вся ттпб оставшихся денег а бонусном счете было переведена на важнейшей.

  • Если а пользователь хочет получить доступ и второму азартным играм%2C только ему лучше заходят на мобильный сайт букмекера через браузер.
  • Если веришь статистике%2C то ежедневно сайт букмекера посещала свыше 400 сотни уникальных пользователей же всего мира.
  • Скачать непосредственно зеркало 1хБет невозможно%2C ведь только просто другой домен сайта.” “[newline]Обычно под загрузкой зеркала подразумевают официальное приложение.
  • Когда вы войдете в аккаунт%2C вы получите доступ к актуальному зеркалу 1хбет.

И ваш номер телефона придет сообщение%2C где будет указан логин и пароль ддя входа. Вы можешь беспрепятственно пользоваться им для авторизации а официальном сайте вскоре рабочее зеркало. Выбирайте наиболее оптимальный для себя способ%2C проходите регистрацию на рабочем зеркале и начните к ставкам. Линия в 1хбет довольно многообразна и имеет огромное количество спортивных событий%2C от самого популярного футбола вплоть кибер спорта. Но одно несомненное преимуществами низкая маржа ото 2 до 4% и хорошая роспись%2C с охватом конца 1. 000 рынков.

Сайт только Регистрация В 1xbet

Если транзакция долгое время но обрабатывается%2C то следовало связаться с сотрудниками технической поддержки. Их посмотрят на несущественные платежа и пускай%2C что нужно сделали в конкретно взятая случае. Игроки должно делать ставки на спорт на портале 1xbet после ппвсп регистрации. Прежде%2C меньше начать пользоваться сервисом%2C каждый игрок должен совершить пополнение счета%2C а после последующего беттинга — выйдя честно заработанные кварплату. В таблице выше приведена важная информация о действующих платежных системах 1xbet. По итогу%2C вся процедура создания аккаунта 1xbet займет у игрока не более 2-х минут%2C что являлись большим преимуществом.

Зеркало 1хбет – это альтернативный способ доступа к популярному букмекерскому сайту 1хбет. Оно представляла собой полную копию оригинального сайта%2C ее позволяет пользователям стороной блокировку и приобрести доступ к веем аккаунтам и ставкам. Зеркало сайта 1xbet — это процессса адрес в интернете%2C который ведёт и точную копию качестве сайта букмекерской конторы. Эти зеркала существовали для обхода всемирных блокировок и ограничений%2C налагаемых интернет-провайдерами одноиз” “государственными органами. Зеркала смогут пользователям продолжать пользоваться услугами конторы%2C когда основной сайт становилось недоступен в их регионе. Выгоды БК настолько разнообразны%2C только вы можете применять любые типы онлайн ставок.

Вывод Средств а Пополнение Счета

В 14 т у нас в государстве был объявлен закон%2C по который довольно многие азартные веб-сайты добавились и специальный реестр%2C усовершенство последующего запрета провайдерами. Иначе говоря%2C URL-адрес%2C переносящий пользователя на 1xbet зеркало еще не работает%2C только во время обращения по ссылке 1xbet будет возникать запрос провайдера либо инстанции. В первую поэтому заблокировали конторы%2C функционирующие без лицензии. Фишка в том%2C не получить даже крупный и известной БК лицензию на деятельность достаточно непросто.

  • Нескольку альтернативное зеркало 1хбет имеет зашифрованную ссылку доступа.
  • Не имейте в имею%2C что контора 1хбет может в любой время попросить вас отправить идентификатор.
  • Регистрируясь на 1xbet помощью электронной почты%2C пользователь сразу получает доступ ко всем функциям игрового ресурса.
  • Все них объединены между собой%2C поэтому информация семряуи счете и стремлениях пользователя везде полдела одинаковой.
  • Несмотря а тот факт%2C но учредитель у они фирм один%2C юридически они являются совсем разными организациями.

Кроме этого активным игрокам доступна программа лояльности с кэшбэком%2C бонусы на банковские%2C различные турниры и промо-акции. По количеству бонусов и кажущейся их получения 1xBet однозначно является лидирующую букмекерского рынка. Пользователям мобильных устройств предназначена портативная версия сайта%2C а также приложения под iOS же Android. Функционал мобильных сервисов несколько ограничен%2C но позволяет исполнить основные операции (регистрация%2C ставки%2C платежи%2C выводы). Зеркало – как точная копия сайта (технически это не не копия%2C же” “но сайт)%2C которая существуют отличающийся адрес. Которые копии помогают компании оставаться открытой дли клиентов%2C когда белкиссу пытаются заблокировать.

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Preserving Paradise: Government Initiatives to Safeguard Triund Trek

Preserving Paradise: Government Initiatives to Safeguard Triund Trek

Preserving Paradise: Government Initiatives to Safeguard Triund Trek

I remember my college days and how Triund Trek encouraged me to take trekking as a hobby and how it transformed my life! I have documented my experience here. I can bet that for most of you Triund Trek has been a “Pehla Pehla Pyar” moment with Treks 🙂

Back in 2014 when I visited Triund Trek for the first time it was a lesser-known trek as compared to today and things changed over the last 10 years. Notably, it has become a celebrity (yes you heard me right) trek & was even hiked by Indian Cricket Team members recently.

From my links and friends in Dharamshala, I often hear news of Triund being flooded with trekkers with no space to stay even after there are multiple attempts made by govt. in past to limit footfall on the Triund trek.

Triund Trek further links to Indrahar Pass and is one of the main sources of income for people staying in the vicinity.

In a move to protect and limit the impact on the fragile ecosystem of the Triund Trek, the Eco-Tourism Society of the Forest Department has implemented a fee of Rs 200 per person for trekkers heading to Triund. This decision, made during a meeting on November 23, also involves capping the daily number of trekkers at 400 and allowing only 20 tents at the summit. Additionally, a charge of Rs 1,000, plus GST, will be applied to those staying overnight, with a maximum limit of 40 tourists.

While these regulations have been met with opposition from adventure tourism advocates, they hold the promise of positive environmental outcomes. Here are a few reasons why the governments must have taken this decision:

1. Conservation of Ecosystem:

By limiting the number of trekkers and tents, the government aims to minimize the ecological footprint on Triund. This move is crucial in preserving the delicate balance of flora and fauna in the region.

2. Infrastructure Improvement:

The funds generated from the imposed fees will be utilized to enhance the trekking infrastructure. This includes improving the trail and providing better facilities for the trekkers, contributing to a more sustainable and enjoyable experience.

“The money generated from the fee would be used to improve the trek and provide better facilities for tourists.” – Dinesh Kumar, DFO Dharamsala, Member of Eco Tourism Society

3. Regulation Following Court Order:

The rules have been framed in response to an order from the Himachal High Court, emphasizing the need to regulate tourism on the Triund summit. This ensures that the implementation is not arbitrary but a response to legal directives.

“The rules have been framed on the order issued by the Himachal High Court to regulate tourism on Triund summit.” – Dinesh Kumar, DFO Dharamsala, Member of Eco Tourism Society

4. Financial Support for Conservation:

The collected fees serve a dual purpose—limiting the number of visitors and providing financial support for the conservation efforts. This model encourages responsible tourism and contributes to the maintenance of the trekking trails.

5. Balancing Adventure Tourism and Conservation:

While adventure tourism providers express concerns about the impact on their business, finding a balance between revenue generation and environmental preservation is crucial. The proposed fee structure, though contested, reflects an attempt to strike this delicate equilibrium.

6. Addressing Concerns and Collaboration:

The feedback from adventure tourism stakeholders, including the hotel and restaurant association, has prompted discussions on revisiting the fee structure. This collaborative approach ensures that concerns are heard, and adjustments can be made to accommodate various stakeholders.

“Understanding the need for revenue generation and maintenance of the trekking trails, we propose a reduced fee of Rs 50 per person for the entry permit. We have requested the Forest Department to re-evaluate the tent pitching charges.” –Ashwani Bamba, President of Hotel and Restaurant Association of Dharamsala

I feel that the government’s initiative to regulate and impose fees on the Triund Trek is a proactive step toward sustainable tourism but at the same time, govt also need to look into finding a better solution as this Trek also serves as a main source of income for a lot of trek & tour operators and give a boost to hotel industry in the area. By addressing concerns, considering revisions, and involving stakeholders in the decision-making process, the authorities should aim to create a model that balances adventure tourism with the crucial need for environmental conservation.

What are your views on this? Do comment below.

hire trekking guide in himachal

Why you should hire a trekking guide for your next adventure trip?

Why you should hire a trekking guide for your next adventure trip?

Looking for your next trekking trip and confused about where to Hire Trekking Guide in India? Before we give a solution to that we want to share our thoughts about a very important topic: whether to trek solo or hire an agency/guide. Well for people who are going for a trek but don’t like much company, hiring a local guide gives you a lot of flexibility and freedom. Hiring a guide is definitely required if you are going for any Himalayan trek.

With trekking growing in India and more people going for treks many local and government bodies have made having a certified trekking guide mandatory for most Himalayan treks. There are a lot of agencies already operating in India which ensure safety and precautions are ensured on treks. Though if you are the kind of person who doesn’t like much company you can hire a trekking guide in India. 

We have listed down a few benefits of hiring a trekking guide for your next trekking trip.

1. Safety and Security

If you are trekking, having a certified guide ensures safety and security during the trek. Whether you are going on a day hike, trek, or expedition you can trust your guide with knowledge of the trail, local weather, routes, good campsites, and even precautions to be taken care of. In addition, guides are also certified in first aid and can handle any adverse situations.

The guides will also have a good idea of hygienic water sources or food facilities on trails. That way, you can keep diseases away. This will save you from the discomfort of altitude sickness.

Hiring a local guide also adds the benefit of your guide being acclimatized with the local conditions and would be able to help you out in case of any emergency.

2. Regional knowledge and cultural experience

Hiring a local guide helps you communicate better with the locals at times. In all Himalayan treks when you are in the interior people there don’t understand other languages than the regional language. A local guide will always have knowledge of the language and would be able to communicate better.

In addition to it, while you are doing a trek, you need to respect and abide by the local culture. Having a guide helps you understand local culture and helps you experience the same.

An excellent adventure travel guide will have a strong understanding of the area where he/she operates. This entails knowing local trails, conditions, weather, and risks. Guides will also ensure you have all the equipment you need before you begin.

3. Flexible Itineraries

You often have come across scenarios where you are trekking in a group and have to stick to the Itinerary of the organizer. Even if you like a place and want to spend an additional day or want to rest and acclimatize you have to keep moving as per the trek operator’s itinerary. Having a personalized guide will add flexibility to the itinerary and you can trek at your own pace.

4. Support the local economy

Hiring local trekking guides also helps to put money in the pockets of locals living in the areas you visit. Also, it adds to the employment in the hills. At Campshala we give preference to local guides when we operate a particular trail. This is also part of our vision statement where we are supporting local communities.

Your money not only helps them to live a good life, but it also often helps them to support their families, too.

5. Mental and Physical Support

As trekking is challenging, there might be occasions where you may feel like giving up the trek. But the guides will constantly boost your morale and show you some simple ways that you can complete the trek.

On the other hand, there might be instances when you push yourself too hard to complete the trek. The guides will help you maintain a good pace without stretching your physical limits too far. This is very important to avoid fatigue and altitude sickness.


With such safety issues and the wonderful services that guides provide you, it will come as a surprise if you don’t hire a guide. They are your reliable bet to having a culturally wonderful experience. Their strength, support, and determination to help and protect you is something you can learn from.

General Terms and Conditions for Hiring a Trekking Guide in India:

  • One guide can handle a group size of a maximum of 8 persons.
  • If the group size is more than 8 persons, you need to book one more guide.
  • Entry tickets, parking charges, and other miscellaneous charges are not included.

What the cost include

  • The daily wages of the porters, guides, and porter cum guides
  • The meals (including tea and coffee), as well as accommodation
  • The government taxes as well as agency service charge

What the cost excludes

  • The cost of transportation including any flight (if necessary)
  • The cost doesn’t cover any tips that you feel inclined to give to the porters, guides, and porters cum guides.

P.S.: – If you are looking to hire a trekking guide do ask our expert. We might be able to suggest you few good trekking guides.


rent camping gear in himachal

Level Up Your Camping Experience! Rent Camping Gears from ShepherdTrail, Baijnath | Himachal Pradesh

Nested in the picturesque town of Baijnath, Himachal Pradesh, Shepherd Trail is a one-stop gadget rental store that caters to adventure enthusiasts, content creators, and travellers alike.

If you are going to Bir Billing, Barot, Palampur, Jalsu pass or towards other Instagram-worthy destinations in Himachal Pradesh and want to avoid the hassle of buying camping gear or renting costly campsites, do consider renting all essential camping gear at Baijnath, Himachal Pradesh.

With a wide range of camping gear, laptops, and video content creation gadgets available for rent, Shepherd Trail ensures that you have all the essential tools and equipment to make your outdoor adventures and travel experiences in and around Baijnath truly memorable.

Baijnath and its surrounding areas offer breathtaking landscapes, treks, and camping sites. Whether you are a seasoned camper or a novice looking to embark on your first camping adventure, Shepherd Trail has got you covered. Here are some of the camping gear available for rent:

Camping Tents

Experience the joy of camping under the starry night sky with high-quality tents in various sizes to accommodate solo travellers, couples, or groups. b. Sleeping Bags and Mats: Stay cozy and comfortable during your outdoor escapades with top-notch sleeping bags and mats that provide insulation and cushioning.


Cooking Stove

You are on a trail and missing hot food. From portable stoves to cookware sets, Shepherd Trail ensures you have the necessary tools to prepare delicious meals amidst nature. Click the link below to rent our recommended camping stove.

Sleeping Bag

Want to travel/hike ultralight and still worried about excess weight? we got you covered. Rent a sleeping bag from ShepherdTrail. We have a variety of sleeping bags to match your requirements.

Tips before getting into your bag Dress simply (just one layer of clothing is enough). Warm-up your extremities: hats, gloves, socks, hand-warmers, padding, etc. A flask of hot water can be used as a hot waterbottle (as long as there’s no risk of accidental opening!). Contract your muscles (70% of the energy consumed is converted into heat) but without making any movement generating a cold airstream. To wash your sleeping bag less often, we recommend you use a sleeping bag liner.

Camping Mattress

We often ignore this but trust us, you need to get a camping mattress to sleep comfortably. They not only add a layer of protection from rough/hard/rocky ground but also add a layer to keep you warm. Do rent a camping mattress before going for your next camping trip.


Conclusion: When planning your stay or visit to Baijnath and its surrounding areas, don’t miss the opportunity to enhance your experience with Shepherd Trail’s gadget rentals. Whether you need camping gear to immerse yourself in nature or video content creation gadgets to capture and share your adventures, Shepherd Trail has everything you need. Visit ShepherdTrail Store to explore their wide range of rental options and embark on a truly unforgettable journey in Baijnath, Himachal Pradesh.

Happy Camping!

Travel movies to watch this weekend

Adventure travel movies to watch this summer!

These Adventure Travel movies will give you an adrenaline rush, Movies to watch before planning your next trip!

“Huh, the summer heat is here and mercury is already touching 40 degrees in most parts of the country. Unfortunately, I didn’t get much to travel this summer. But fret not, fellow wanderers! I’ve got a secret weapon to share with you: travel movies! Picture this: you grab your favourite snack, snuggle up on your cosy couch, and let these cinematic gems transport you to the most enchanting destinations around the world. From bustling cities to breathtaking landscapes, these films will ignite your wanderlust and leave you daydreaming about future adventures.

Like most travel enthusiasts I get inspired to travel every time I watch a few good travel movies. Well all of us know a movie or two which inspired us to travel the world. Here is the list of movies which are on my favourite list for quite some time.

Best Travel Movies to watch today:


Wild Hogs – 2007

What happened when 4 old middle-aged friends took a road trip on their bikes to California. This fun-filled amazing comedy is all you need to get through the weekend.


Wild Hogs - Movie Poster - campshala blog


Into the Wild – 2007

Into the wild is a biographical movie based on the life of Christopher McCandless. After graduation, he decides to hitchhike throughout America. The journey is heartbreaking, deep, Truthful, Adventurous, sad, and funny at few points. The movie features some outstanding landscapes and you feel connected throughout the story though it has a tragic ending. Rated 8.1/10 on IMDB “Into the Wild” is the perfect travel movie if you are looking for some inspiration.

into the wild - campshala blog


Wild – 2014

After suffering a personal tragedy a young woman took the 1100 miles solo hike on the iconic “Pacific Crest Trail. The journey takes you through a few awesome landscapes, gives you a peek into PCT, and in the end, makes you love PCT more. I personally fell in love with PCT after watching “Wild”.  The movie is filled with adventure, love, passion, and personal discovery.

Wild Movie poster - Campshala Blog



The Way – 2010

If you like movies that are slow however has a strong storyline then you are going to love “The Way”. After losing his son who was attempting to complete the Camino de Santiago (The Way of St. James) which is a century-old pilgrimage the father (also doc.) came to recover the body of his son. He ended up completing the journey on his son’s behalf and scattered his ashes throughout the way. The storyline makes you di out your trekking boots and take the next trekking trail.

The Way Movie Poster - Campshala Blog


The Bucket List – 2007

What would you do if someday you came to know that you have only 6 months to live. Well “The Bucket List” is all about the same. Two critically ill men escape from a cancer hospital after knowing that they have very little time to live to go on a road trip to complete the bucket list. The story is all about fun, drama, and a lot of adventure.

The bucket list movie poster - campshala blog


Motorcycle Diary – 2004

The Motorcycle Diaries is a biopic about the journey of the famous Che Guevara. The movie focuses on a road trip expedition taken by Che Guevara and his friend Alberto Granado. The movie is inspiring and deeply moving.

The motorcycle diaries movie poster - Campshala Blog


Adventure and travel movies list is never-ending and a lot of movies are made. The above movies are my personal favorite and there are a lot of movies which would have ended in a list however these are the best one which left a long lasting impression.

Comment below and let us know if you think there is a movie that should have made its way into the list and we might include that in the list.

P.S.: Do subscribe to the ShepherdTrail newsletter below for such awesome blogs. We promise to never send spam.

Trekking to Kheerganga | An adventurous journey into the world of trekking

Trekking to Kheerganga – an adventurous journey into the world of nature’s beauty

This is an amazing experience and it’s just like travelling to a different world. This trekking to Kheer Ganga experience was full of wonder and excitement and for me, the journey to this place was like a few seconds in the serene arms of nature. Everything I saw there was just full of serenity and beauty. Kheer Ganga is one of the most refreshing treks that one can go on anywhere. The natural hot water spring experience is just amazing and the trek is very pleasant and offers some exhilarating views. We were a few friends who have been there together. Trekking starts at a place called Barshaini. Barshaini is a place in the Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh(India). From Barshaini, one has to do around 12-15 KM of trekking to reach Kheer Ganga. Very few people know about this place and I think only a few have travelled to this part of the world but those who know and have seen it, call it a magical valley.
Local People waiting for the bus to Kasol.
It’s really fun and full of excitement if you go to a place you don’t know how exactly it will be and then discovering that place and feeling like you’re in a different world, and the only word that comes out from your mouth is just “wow”. It was the first week of February, the winter season in the northern part of India, and Himachal Pradesh is one the coldest part of India with its snowfall and high range mountains. At 11 AM in the morning, we all friends reached Barshaini. It was pretty cold as the temperature might be less than 10 degrees Celsius, and therefore we have to wear jackets and all other things to save ourselves from the cold. Then we all together started moving towards Kheer Ganga. After trekking for 3 KM from Barshaini, a little tired we reached Nathan. It’s a small village on the way to Kheer Ganga.
A home at Nakthun Village
This village offers a place for the trekkers where you can get delicious food cheaper than it’s in nearby places and believe it or not here in Nakthun, there’s even a pool table(made by the local people with woods) thrown out in the open where you’ll find local kids from the village enjoying their time. Travelers can also get a room in the beautiful wooden cottage and a few steps ahead from this village is a Rudra Naag temple and a waterfall. The feeling at that moment when we reached the Rudra Naag temple and saw the beauty around and the waterfalls were like we are in a different world. At that place, all one could see is just a dense jungle and huge mountains all around. Looking at nature’s beauty, I realized that we live in a world where we are surrounded by the walls, building,s and all the other things like road traffic, crowded places etc but there is another beautiful world behind those walls and I was experiencing that world in Kheer Ganga. After crossing Nakthun, the real adventure begins, I must say the extreme adventure of my life. Now after reaching Nakthun, it was almost 2-3 hours trek to Kheer Ganga and there are 2 ways to go there, one which is a safer but long path and another one is a comparatively shorter path but a dangerous one. We took the shorter path, the dangerous one. To be frank, I had no idea how dangerous it would be to choose the shorter path and I think none of my friends knew that too. We were just cheerful and excited to be there. As we entered the jungle area the view gets more and more beautiful. There was so much peace and natural beauty all around. As we were getting closer to Kheer Ganga, the path is getting really difficult to travel, it was very slippery, there were frozen waterfalls on the way, slippery frozen ice was on the narrow paths. Steep slopes on one side and huge rocks on the other, there was hardly a place to walk. At the time we went to Kheer Ganga, there was fresh snowfall all the way and so it was very difficult for us to walk there at that time. The slopes on our one side were around thousands of feet down and we know that a single mistake could cost our lives. So we were very cautious while putting our feet on the ground. All the way long flows a waterfall on one side of the path with its full fury and I couldn’t even imagine how cold the water would be in it as it was coming from the glaciers which were not far from that place. The sound of the stream of water was so loud in some places that one could hardly hear each other voices. We needed to cross that waterfall in order to move further. We crossed the waterfall by walking over a wooden bridge formed by the local people. Now, the path gets steeper and more steeper, it was getting harder for us to trek and then we saw a scene, we saw a board on a tree with something written on it that a young person fell from this place and lost his life, and that shows how dangerous is that trek. You need to be careful at every step. On our remaining path, we crossed many small and beautiful waterfalls, some of the waterfalls were frozen, there was frozen water on the path and narrow slippery paths having beautiful flowers all around and huge trees covering the sky. The jungle was so dense that sunlight was hardly reaching the ground but in spite of all the danger, we couldn’t stop ourselves from appreciating the beauty of that place. Now, Comes the moment, the moment when we stepped in Kheer Ganga. There was a huge ground, it was totally whitewashed and surrounded by tall mountains covered with white snow, dense white and blue clouds were floating all around us. I rubbed my eyes, I was just full of wonder after watching that place, what a beauty. It was like I want to pinch myself to see whether I was not dreaming. The place was so peaceful, so pure, and all I think is that it’s the amazement of this area,  calmness of this part of the world, the isolation of the habitation, the stunning beauty of the mountains, beautiful wilderness of the pine trees and then snowfall to decorate this place with its whiteness which gives Kheer Ganga its charm, its beauty and fills this place with serenity.
Kheerganga as seen in Summers. This pic is from our other journey to Kheerganga.
Far away we could see small 4-5 hut-shaped wooden lodges providing shelter for travelers. We went up to the lodges and took a room in a lodge and I heard that the owner of that lodge is a French woman(I am not sure about that). The Nepali man we met there is living at this place for almost 5 five-years and he is taking care of that place. There is no electricity in Kheer Ganga and the lights are all run on solar power. There are some extraordinary things about this place like there is a hot water string at this place. Two of my friends decided to take a hot water bath in that hot water spring. The water is hot because of the Sulphur in it and it’s amazing to find a natural hot water spring in this kind of place where usually the temperature remains very low. This place is amazingly beautiful and one can easily spend a day or more here because you can get a lodge, food, and other essential things at Kheer Ganga, or either you can make your own arrangements by taking your own camping stuff.
Hot water pool at Kheerganga Temple
We stayed there for the whole night, had a very special drink, it was like a black lemon tea. We also had dinner over there provided by a man who stays there. According to my information, I searched some more facts about this place and I came to know that the French lady was living there in Kheer Ganga for the past 3 years(I am not sure about this information). She left everything from her country and has been living here for no reason, then there’s a Russian man living in the lodge, who was in Kheer Ganga for past 2 years and just practicing yoga, a Nepali man who provided us food came from Nepal and was living here from last 5 year and working in Kheer Ganga as a guide and provides food and all others things like woods to burn fire, blankets, lodges room, etc to earn his livings. Everything was different and unique about this place that everyone who sees this place starts building a bond with Kheer Ganga, a bond of peace and love. There is no road connectivity to this place and this is the only reason why the beauty of this place is preserved. We humans need places like this where nature has not been re-arranged and altered by the hands of humans. The next day, it snowed again in the morning and therefore we had to leave this place because if we didn’t return soon then we could be stuck there because of the heavy snowfall. So we left that place in the morning. And returning back to the Barshaini under that heavy snowfall is something that I couldn’t even explain here, it was extremely difficult for us as the path was already full of snow at the time we were climbing to this place and now after this fresh and heavy snowfall in the morning, it was really difficult to see the path even. Now, the path was completely covered with fresh snow. The slopes on our one side were around thousands of feet down and a chilled stream of the waterfall was flowing in it with its full fury making a huge roar, it was like one step wrong and we would be out. I am sure, if anyone comes to this place once, they would love to come here a second time again as you simply can’t get enough of these kinds of places. Trekking to Kheer Ganga has been an amazing experience for us. With so many good, beautiful, and a few scary memories we said bye-bye to Kheer Ganga hoping we could visit it again someday.  

All you need to know about Chandernahan Lake Trek – Updated 2023

Chandernahan Lake Trekking – Shimla, Himachal Pradesh

Chandernahan Lake Trek is on the south-eastern slopes of the Himalayas. Located in the Rohru town in the Shimla district of Himachal Pradesh. The altitude of the Chandernahan trek takes you to around 4200 meters above sea level and definitely, it takes you to the peak of thrill and adventure. This is one of the most beautiful trekking routes in the region. Chandernahan Lake Trek is truly mesmerizing.

It is the trekker’s paradise, has everything right from the Sky kissing mountains, deep virgin forests to gurgling streams, waterfalls after every 5km of the trek which leaves travelers spellbind. The trek starts from the heritage and historic Janglik Village.

Historical Importance of Chandernahan Trek

Chandernahan Lake is not just a trekking place, rather it has spiritual importance in Rohru. As per the regional belief, it is the birthplace of Devta Shikru Naharaj (God), and followers believe that once in every ten years Moon (Chandra Maa) visits the lake for a ritual bath. So on the name of Chandra i.e Chand (Moon), this name had given name Chandernahan.

“It is believed that there are 7 lakes but only 6 lakes are visible to us but the seventh lake is one of the mightiest lake among them but till today no one had ever seen this lake.”So this trek also gives trekkers some thrilling moments during the trek. Local people believe that the lake is a holy home of Goddess Kali and one of the mightiest Lord Jakh. The alluring temple of Devta Jakh is located in the heart of Rohru in Janglikh village. The temple is nearly 500 years old and its architecture and design are some of the attractive things for travelers and trekkers. Before entering this historic place Janglikh, firstly you will be welcomed by a mesmerizing waterfall of approximately 50 meters truly a treat for the eyes.

Travel to base –

The nearest airport is Chandigarh. From Chandigarh, you can easily find local buses and Taxis to Shimla from where it is recommended to go in a private taxi.

Nearest railway station is Shimla from where you can take a taxi to Janglikh. It’s 6-7 hours journey from Shimla.

Short itinerary for Chandernahan Lake Trek

Day 1 – Reach Janglikh and explore places in Dharamshala. The village is purely heritage and picturesque. Acclimatize in village and go for shorter walks in the village and enjoy local culture.

Day 2 – Janglikh to Dayara Thach – The trek winds through the thick forests, beautiful meadows, and grassy land ascents.
It’s a moderate trek, takes around 4-5 hours to reach Dayara Thach. Have dinner and night stay at beautiful meadow Dayara Thach.

Day 3 – Dayara Thach to Litham Thach – Start excursion to LithamThach through the meadow of Mounti Thach. These meadows are truly heaven for nature’s lovers. After 5-6 hours of ascending you will reach Litham thach . Now enjoy the beauty of Nature as you are in front of the beautiful Chandernahan waterfall.

Day 4 –Chandernahan waterfall to seven glacial ponds to back to Janglikh

Things to keep in mind before attempting Chandernahan Lake Trek.

  • The temperature gets very tricky and it will be very cold on the trek so do remember to carry enough warm layers.
  • Mobile network is not available on most of the trek.
  • There are no stay options so it is recommended to carry your camping gear or hire an agency to manage your stay and food needs.
  • It’s recommended to hire a trekking guide for this trek. Alternatively, you can also join any group doing this trek.
Jalsu Pass Trek - ShepherdTrail Trekking Blog

All you need to know about Jalsu pass trek

When it comes to Jalsu Pass Trek, it is one of my favorite mountain trail. You find everything on this trail be it a mountain pass, meadows, pine trees, rhododendron trees, flowers, freshwater streams, or glaciers. You name it and you will find it on this trail. Jalsu pass trek have been used by Shepherds from the Gaddi Tribe commonly known as “Paal” in the Kangra and Chamba regions of HP. For centuries they have been using this trail to commute between Chamba-Kangra-Kullu. The trail is also the most common trail being followed to visit on pilgrimage to Manimahesh Kailas.

The Manimahesh Kailash Peak, 5,653 metres (18,547 ft), also known as Chamba Kailash, which stands towering high over the Manimahesh Lake, is believed to be the abode of Lord Shiva, the (Hindu deity). It is located in the Bharmour subdivision of the Chamba district in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh.

Important information about Jalsu Pass:

Jalsu Pass Trek Distance: Approx. 32 KM
Best Time to Visit: May – October
Elevation Gain: 3425 Mtrs
Difficulty Level – Moderate

Travel to base – One can start the journey either from the Chamba side or the Kangra side. If you are starting this trek from the Kangra side you can board a bus from Delhi/Chandigarh to Baijnath. There is a lot of Volvo as well as ordinary buses available. Alternatively, you can take a flight to Kangra. From Baijnath you can take a local bus or taxi to Utrala (Binwa power project).

Short itinerary for Jalsu Pass Trek

Day 1 – Utrala (Binwa Nagar) to Parai
  • From Baijnath you can take a local bus or taxi to Utrala (Binwa power project).
  • Start from the trailhead and begin the trek.
  • The first part of the trail is relatively tough and is bit steep.
  • The trail is steep and rocky, but the views are well worth the effort.
  • Camp overnight at the base of the pass at Parai.


Jalsu Pass Trek Map

Jalsu Pass Trek Map | Source : Trek Map


Day 2 –Parai to Jalsu
  • Start early from the pass base. This is going to be a long hike.
  • Very less water is available till Jalsu got so carry enough water for the hike.
  • Once you reach the pass you will see a small temple at the pass. People offer rocks at this temple to show gratitude.
  • The grass meadows at Jalsu are out of the world.
  • You can camp for the night at Jalsu or alternatively you can go to Yaada where there are few shops where you can stay for the night.
Day 3 -Jalsu gote to Surai village
  • From Jalsu you can start your journey.
  • The path is flat till Yada from where you will decend and cross the mountain stream to reach Parai
  • From parai either you can go to Nayagram from where bus service is available to base.

Things to keep in mind before attempting Jalsu Pass Trek.

  • There are a few tea stalls at a few stops however they are not operational throughout the year. Please check the cafe status before starting the trek.
  • Dauladhar mountains are known for rains and you can see rain showers on this trek. Better to carry a big umbrella or rain poncho.
  • Mobile network is not available on most of the trek.
  • There are no stay options throughout the trek though you can request and stay in Cafe. It is recommended to carry your camping gear or hire an agency to manage your stay and food needs.
  • Trek is a bit challenging at a few points and you may need to prepare for this in advance.
  • If you are doing this trek during winters please carry trekking and snow gear.

If you are planning for the trek and want to hire camping/trekking equipment you can rent it at Chandigarh from Gadget Rental India. They have some pretty amazing trekking gear.


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Benefits of Trekking | Written using a ChatGPT

Benefits of Trekking | Written using ChatGPT | How would you rate it?

Trekking is an outdoor activity that involves walking or hiking through natural areas, often in the mountains or other rugged terrain. It is a popular activity around the world and offers a wide range of benefits for those who participate. Here are some of the key benefits of trekking:

1. Physical exercise: Trekking is a great form of physical exercise, as it involves walking and hiking over long distances, often on steep and uneven terrain. This can help to improve cardiovascular fitness, strengthen the legs and core muscles, and improve overall physical health.

Benefits of Trekking | ChatGPT

2. Mental health benefits: Trekking can also have positive effects on mental health. Being in nature and spending time outdoors has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, and can help to improve overall well-being. The solitude and quiet of a trek can also provide an opportunity for reflection and introspection, which can help to improve mental clarity and focus.

3. Cultural and social experiences: Trekking can also be a great way to learn about different cultures and meet new people. Many trekking destinations offer the opportunity to interact with local communities and learn about their way of life. Trekking in a group can also be a great way to make new friends and build social connections.

4. Nature appreciation: Trekking can help to foster an appreciation for the natural world and the environment. By spending time in nature and seeing firsthand the beauty and diversity of the natural world, trekkers can become more connected to and aware of the environment, and may be more likely to take an active role in protecting it.

5. Personal growth: Trekking can be a challenging activity that requires determination, endurance, and problem-solving skills. By pushing oneself to overcome obstacles and complete a trek, individuals can experience a sense of accomplishment and personal growth.

Overall, trekking is a fantastic activity that offers a wide range of physical, mental, and social benefits. It is a great way to stay active, connect with nature, learn about different cultures, and challenge oneself personally. Whether you are an experienced trekker or a beginner, there is a trek out there that is suitable for you, and the benefits of trekking are well worth the effort.


P:S:- This article was written taking help of ChatGPT. Let know if you like the content.

Kinner Kailash Trek

All you need to know about Kinner Kailash Trek

All you need to know about Kinner Kailash Trek

Kinner Kailash trek distance- Approx 70km
Elevation Gain – 5240 mtrs
Difficulty Level – Extremely Difficult (90% steep slopes, 5% normal and 5% rocky and hard climbing)
Min. days required – 4 days

Best Time to visit Kinner Kailash Trek  – August and September are the best times

How to reach the base – For Peo, we have direct buses
One leaves from Chandigarh around 2:30 AM (Delhi-Peo), 4:50 AM (Chd- Peo – Ordinary), (5:45 AM, Chd – Peo – Semi Deluxe). The journey from CHD to Peo is around 14-15 hours.
Route: Chd>Shimla>Narkanda>Rampur>Jeory>Peo then Peo>Tangling

About Kinner Kailash Trek – Performed by both Buddhists and Hindus, a parikrama second only to that of Mt. Kailash.

Trek starts from Tangling with stairs and then crossing the village. you will find apple trees along the way. After walking around half km trek starts with steep slopes but yeah nature and mountains towards both sides.

You can have your first meal here and head towards Ganesh park. this place is around 6 km from the 1st 2 food points you will find on this trek. you will cross a small stream and then again a steep uphill leading to a mesmerizing view of the peo city and satluj river.

The inclined rocky patches on the trail are very difficult

It will take around 4-5 hours to reach Ganesh park and even more sometimes. At Ganesh park, you can find small food points where you can have tea, Maggi or food. Even you can stay here for the 1st day in tents or you can continue your journey to caves where you can stay by the end of the day.


One thing that needs to be kept in mind is that there is no food point after Ganesh park so one can get his/her food packed for the night and the next day as well or if you have your own utensils you can prepare there as well.

After Ganesh park the slope declines a little bit but yeah you have to keep moving uphill till the time you reach a point where you will find a steep downhill of some hundred metres. After covering another 4-5 km you will find the site for camping (in case you have your own tent and sleeping bags) or you can stay in caves as well. Again sleeping bags must be carried.

Staying inside the cave

We reached Ganesh park around 2 Pm and had our lunch done over there and started moving towards the caves. Reached there around 6 pm in the evening and stayed in caves and sleeping bags.
We started our journey the next day in the morning around 2:30 AM and reached Parvati Kund around 6 in the morning this could have been reached earlier if we had not lost our way when we started our journey from the caves.


From the caves, the path is well defined for another 1 Km and after that, the rocks start where the path is marked by stones kept on one another (Please do not touch those stones). This way will lead you to the Parvati Kund.


Try to carry less luggage on this trek or after caves don’t carry your tents and sleeping bags or anything extra. We hid our backpacks in between the rocks at Parvati Kund. Carrying heavy luggage won’t allow you to climb the rocks after Parvati Kund because the way is like doing rock climbing without any tools. Shoes with good grips will be the best.

From Parvati Kund, it took around 2 more hours to reach Kailash. The way was full of big rocks and to reach the top you had to climb the rocks. there was no other way and one has to complete it and has to be cautious while climbing.


Amazing views at Kinner Kailash

While heading back it will take again another 7-8 hours (approx) to complete the journey till Tangling.


Alternate Itinerary for Kinner Kailash

Trek begins at Thangi (Thangi is a Village in Pooh Tehsil in Kinnaur District of Himachal Pradesh State, India. It is located 23 KM towards the East of District head quarters Reckong Peo. 18 KM from Pooh. 157 KM from State capital Shimla) on the right bank of the Tedong, about four hours by road from Reckong Peo. It is 10 kms. to Lambar (2950 m.), all along the steep Charang khad. The initial trek is stairs and then after crossing the village, you will find apple trees along the way.

Day 2 takes one 20 km. to the larger village of Charang (3400 m.), situated just above the confluence of the Charang and Shurtingting streams. There is a rest house here and a gompa where pilgrims receive blessings before moving on.

Day 3(13kms.) involves crossing the high pastures of Charang and ascending up a stream to Lalanti (4300 m.), camping on its left bank.

Day 4 (27 km.) is the most difficult, ascending more than a thousand meters, over immense rockfalls, past the snout of a glacier on the right, and then clawing one’s way up a steep, scree slope to the Charang Pass (5240 m). The view from the top is awesome. From the saddle, it is a steep descent of almost 2000 meters to Chitkul (3400 m.), the last village in the Sangla valley and the road-head. Across the Baspa river, one can see the huge, verdant pastures known as “kandas” which offer infinite trekking and camping possibilities themselves. High above is the Rupen Pass, guarding the western flanks to the remote Dodra Kawar valley. Conclude the trek by worshipping at the temple of the Chitkul Devi and offering thanks. Incidentally, beyond Charang one is prohibited from plucking any wildflowers or shrubs by an edict of the Devi! One can stay at the rest houses in either Chitkul or Sangla, 24 km down the valley. From there it is a fantastically beautiful drive down to Karcham, and on to Shimla.

Kinner Kailash | Photo by Pankaj Sharma

Things to keep in mind before attempting Kinner Kailash Trek.

  • there are limited shops on this trek that too till 6-7 km after that you won’t find even a single shop where you can have something to eat. Suggest you to prepare yourself accordingly.
  • Carry all essentials for the trek.
  • People with problems of high altitude sickness and asthma are not suggested to go
  • If you are hiking in rain it’s better to carry a big umbrella or rain poncho.
  • Mobile network is not available on most of the trek.
  • Trek is very challenging and you may need to prepare for this in advance

If you are planning for the trek and want to hire camping/trekking equipment you can rent it out at Chandigarh from Gadget Rental India. Gadget rental india is a rental company in Chandigarh from where you can rent Camping and hiking gears like camping tent, sleeping bag, sleeping mattresses etc.

Author | Pankaj Sharma

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Shiv Dhank Trek - Trekking near Chandigarh - Shepherdtrail3

All you need to know about Shiv Dhank Trek | Day hike near Chandigarh in Solan

If you are around Chandigarh and looking for a quick day hike then Shiv Dhank Trek is one of the best options available near Solan.

Shiv Dhank Trek Information

Shiv Dhank trek distance- Approx 3 km
Difficulty Level – Easy Hike (Suited best for a day hike)
Min. days required – Can be done in a single day

Best Time to visit Shiv Dhank Trek  – Avoid during rains

How to reach the base – The Shiv Dhank trek starts from Patta Ghat in Solan. While coming from Chandigarh at Kumarhatti take the road on left towards Barog. 2-3 KM before Barog you will find a road on left going towards Patta Ghat (best to ask locals). When you reach Patta Ghat you will come across a fresh ground water tank. You can start your journey for the trek from here.

About the hiking experience to Shiv Dhank Trek – We started our trek in the afternoon. The initial trek is inclined though the trail is clearly visible.

Shiv Dhank Trek - Trekking near Chandigarh - Shepherdtrail 1

The trail can be divided into three sections. The first section is till “Shree Nagarkoti Shaktipeeth” and then till The Shiva temple and at last at the cliff top.

After hiking for approx half a km you will come across Shree Nagarkoti Shaktipeeth temple from where the peak is clearly visible. The temple is very beautiful and has a campground and Sarai wherein devotees stay during their religious pilgrimage.

Shiv Dhank Trek - Trekking near Chandigarh - Shepherdtrail4

From the temple, you need to exit from the gate on the left on the temple ground. From there you will find 2 ways to go upwards you need to take the way on the left.

Shiv Dhank Trek - Trekking near Chandigarh - Shepherdtrail5

2 trails emerge after Temple right beside this water storage tank. You need to take the trail on left.


Shiv Dhank Trek - Trekking near Chandigarh - Shepherdtrail 9

Seems like a Samadhi though we could not verify.

Stay on the trail on left and after a few minutes, you will see the temple which is visible. There is a Shivling at the temple cave. Right above the Shivling you will see a white rock and if you tap it will sound like a pellet drum.

Shiv Dhank Trek - Trekking near Chandigarh - Shepherdtrail 6

The entry point to the Lord Shiva Temple

Once you reach the temple you can find ground water storage (Bodi) there.

Shiv Dhank Trek - Trekking near Chandigarh - Shepherdtrail 7

Water storage tank besides rain shelter right above the temple

From the shelter, you need to follow the path on the right to reach the cliff top which hosts another small Shiva Temple. The path is filled with Pine, Cheed, and Devdar tree. Once you reach at the top you have a 360-degree view of Solan and Shimla valley.

Shiv Dhank Trek - Trekking near Chandigarh - Shepherdtrail 8

The view from the top

While we were going towards the peak we lost our way and took a right turn from the water tank and ended up right below the rocky peak.

Shiv Dhank Trek - Trekking near Chandigarh - Shepherdtrail 12

Snacks time on the trail

We literally had to make our way to the top and frankly speaking, that experience filled us with an adrenaline rush. At the top, you will find another cave with Shivling inside the cave and also a rain shelter (not manmade), a typical rocky alignment which is being used as a rain shelter and stay place for the night. We could see fire remains below the rocky shelter.

Shiv Dhank Trek - Trekking near Chandigarh - Shepherdtrail 11

Our group at the mountain top

Things to keep in mind before attempting Trek.

  • There are no tea stalls on the trek. Carry all essentials for the trek.
  • If you are hiking in rain it’s better to carry a big umbrella or rain poncho.
  • Mobile network is available on most of the trek.
  • There is Sarai at the temple however it was locked when I visited the trek.
  • Trek is a bit challenging at a few points and you may need to prepare for this in advance.
  • If you are doing this trek during winter please carry trekking and snow gear.

If you are planning for the trek and want to hire camping/trekking equipment you can rent it out at Chandigarh from Gadget Rental India.

2 Person Camping Tent MH100

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A quick guide to the Pin Parbat Trek

A quick guide to the Pin Parbat Trek

Pin Parbat trek distance- Approx 175 km. 
Elevation Gain – 2500 mtrs
Difficulty Level – Extremely Difficult
Min. days required – 8 days

A trek takes one from the Parbati valley in Kullu to the Pin valley in Spiti across the 5319-meter Pin Parbat pass, from the lush temperate forests of the former to the barren, cold desert landscapes of latter. One must be extremely fit and really well prepared for this trek as there’s absolutely no habitation along its entire length. Trek commences from Gwacha, a small hamlet high in the Parvati valley, past Manikaran. From there the route follows the Parbati river upstream for 3 days with night halts at Khir Ganga (hot springs), Pandupul (steeped within the Pandava mythology) and Mantalai. One passes through amazing forests of Betula( bhojpatra) and walnut, and makes some risky river crossings on wire-suspended baskets! The only persons you’ll now meet are the migratory Gujjars and Gaddis.

Treeline is crossed just before Pandupul. Mantalai is a huge glacial lake at 4116 meters. It’s the source of the Parbati. It’s an awesome sight with glaciers flowing right down to it from all
sides. From here it’s another two days of hard climbing to the Pin Parbat pass. The saddle of the pass is roofed with a permanent ice field and must be crossed cautiously because it is crisscrossed with crevasses. The fifth day’s campsite is much below the pass, on the banks of the infant Pin river at 4200 meters.
It takes two more days to reach the first village on the Pin side-Mudh. The whole stretch from the pass to Mudh is within the Pin Valley park which provides a haven for several rare species- snow leopard, Spiti wolf, ibex and ghural.
A road has now reached Mudh, 12 km beyond which are Sagnam/ Mikkim (3600 meters) a twin village located at the confluence of the Pin and also the Paraiho. From here it’s a spectacular drive of 35 km to Kaza, so on to Manali over the Kunzum and Rohtang passes.

Kedarkantha Trek | Experience shared by Mohit Negi

Kedarkantha Trek | Experience shared by Mohit Negi

Trekking is an experience which you receive with lots of adventure in it. It tests your actual strength and stamina.

I went to the Kedarkantha trek last Christmas and the experience was amazing. I booked the trek from bagpackclan. It was a 5-day trip that started from Dehradun at about 6:00 am in the morning.

Day1- We were waiting for the bus at the point and there I met with the co-travellers. The first meeting was okay as all were the new faces as I travelled solo on this trip. We sarted our journey to Sankri at 8:00 Am.

The road was scenic as we were going from Mussoorie. Just when we crossed Mussoorie there was a small food joint where we all had our breakfast ( Not included in the package). After breakfast, we again hit the road. One of the groupies has a Bluetooth speaker so the journey was musical with all the travel songs. People were singing along and enjoying the route and those who woke up early were trying to get some sleep as well. The entire path was full of scenic views;

Mountains around and the river flowing right next to it. We reached Purola city by 3:30 PM and had our lunch over there. The city of Purola looked beautiful and the Houses painted in different colours make it more eye-popping.

Kedarkantha Trek - Mohit Negi - ShepherdTrail Blog 33

In the late evening, we were at our 1st destination Sankri Base.

We were provided with the High Tea and we were aligned in the group of 3 or 2 to stay in the rooms. The rooms were comfortable and had warm blankets (Much required as per the weather out there). We were at a temperature close to 3 or 4 degrees at night there. We had our dinner for the first day and right next to the bonfire we received a few of our gear and a small instruction was provided by the team leader. We spent a few more hours at the bonfire knowing about the other people talking about their experiences and where they came from.

Day2- On the next day morning we started the day with breakfast and get ourselves ready for the trek to Juda ka Talab (Campsite) at 11:00 AM. This Campsite is about 6-7 KM of the trek and included many steep paths in it.

The first day of the trek can be said it is a little difficult, especially for the ones that have less experience. (A suggestion keep your bag as light as possible if you are taking the bag by yourself). This part of the trek included lots of green mountains around, you can see the Himalayan Range and Peak Bandar Poonch from there.

There were many Dhabas on the way so if you are feeling tired and want to rest you can rest for some time and move ahead. We reached to Camp Juda ka Talab around 3:00 PM. The camps were kept at a very nice place the temperature was dropping as the site was surrounded by trees. We did rest for some time and had our lunch at the base. Soon it was dark and on these sites no bonfire was allowed. However, that did not stop us from enjoying ourselves. Once everybody had some rest we played music and danced off till we get a little tired.

Then we had our dinner and later on, we went to bed as the temperature was dropping very fast; I believe it was 0-2 degrees at 10 PM although it was very difficult to adjust in the sleeping bag.

Day3- The morning was cold we got up early. There was ice next to our tents as the temperature was less. We had our breakfast clicked some pictures and moved to start our trek for day 2. At the beginning of Day 2, we went to Juda ka Talab. It is a frozen lake surrounded by trees.

The Ice was dense on the lake we were walking on it. Once we had our fun there we started back the trek. The second-day trek was comparatively easier. We completed this trek in 2 hours and we reached Kedarkantha Base camp by 12 noon. We climatized ourselves and enjoyed the view of Kedarkantha peak from distance that day.

We enjoyed the pahadi Maggie from the dhaba at the campsite. Later in the evening after the High tea, we received our rest of the gear for the 4th-day trek to Kedarkantha Summit: a headlamp snow spikes and hiking stick (recommended not necessary).

The weather was a little funny that day it felt like there will be snowfall and that could have jeopardized our trek but thanks to sweet god the sky became clear again. We ended up having some dance and music in the evening till we received the dinner. We went to sleep early as we had to wake up early that night.

Day4- We got up at 2:30 in the morning to have a small breakfast and at 3:00 AM we started our trek to Kedarkantha summit. There were many groups going so it was an experience like never before. The whole path was surrounded by people; the headlights were shining all the way. Our goal was to get to the peak before sunrise. We took a stop in between at a dhaba from where the trek was steeper. This day of the trek was difficult and tiring. The temperature was extremely low close to -10 degrees and everyone was wearing at least 2-3 layers to contain the heat inside the body. We reached the peak around 6:30 just before sunrise.


The view was mesmerizing with a 360-degree view of the Himalayan range. The temperature was around -15 degrees and we were waiting for the sunrise. As the weather was not so great the day before it was cloudy and the sun appear late than expected which made us wait and freeze. However, everything was worth waiting for once the sun came up at 7:15 am.


The sunlight was pretty amazing and the view was breathtaking. We clicked a few pictures over there. As the temperature was very low the batteries drained very quickly. We started to go back after staying for some time.

Going down back to basecamp was fun compared to going up. There were many paths where you can go sliding and can play with snow if you still have the energy to do that. We reached the base camp enjoying once we reached the base we had our lunch there and had some rest packed our things and we were ready to go to our next campsite Hargaon.

When we started going down to Hargaon the weather suddenly changed and there was snowfall on our entire path.

The view became more beautiful and jaw-dropping. We reached Hargaon after 2 hours of downhill trek and the campsite was beautifully surrounded by big pine trees and snowfall. We had our dinner that day and took a rest for the later night.

Day5- We had our breakfast and started our way back to Sankri. This route was with lots of downfalls as it snowed the day before and was a little slippery. We reached Sankri by 12 noon and received our certificate for completing the trek. I shared goodbye with the fellow trekkers who became good friends during this trek. We took our bus by 12:30 and we hit the road back to Dehradun. We reached by 9 pm in Dehradun and with that this beautiful adventure came to an end with lots of memories and activities and fun.

Please take all gear and clothes for this trek recommended by the trip advisor.
Suggestion – Have a Jacket suitable for at least -15 degrees, Headlamp, Spikes, and Snow Trekking shoes.

Kumara Parvatha | South India's Toughest Trek

Kumara Parvatha | South India’s Toughest Trek

Kumara Parvatha | South India’s Toughest Trek

Being a traveller and trek lover I always wanted to try Kumara Parvatha which is located in Subrahmanya, Karnataka, India. It’s called south India’s toughest trek. I’ve done Karnataka to Kashmir by a walk by road. But that was walking. But Trekking is different.

So after completing K2K by walk I got a DM from a trek team. They told me that they wanted to host the next Kumar Parvatha Trek. I was so down I cancelled all the other plans over that date and went for it. This is how it all started. It was around 150 km from Subrahmanya from my home. I still remember I didn’t know a single person in that group, by the way, it was 40 people’s batch that day.

I reached the starting point and the guide Jagadish Kulal who had done KP 6 times explained about the Kumara Parvatha Trek and water points and tips. So we started from the starting point like 2 pm and the first day it was around a 7 km trek.

We reached the first destination which is Bhattara Mane. Bhattara mane is the only place and house where he will give food and you can camp nearby for food he charges 150Rs per meal. This is where it gets interesting. There was a pooja at Kumar Parvatha so the previous day there were around 1500-2000 people were there at the pooja out of which some stayed and some left.

As I said that is the only place where food is available, imagine there are only 10-15 plates at that place and after completing the first day of trek everyone was hungry also I’ve seen people cry when they got their food.

Forgot to mention in this trek you will come to know about the food’s importance.  This was about the first day
We stayed in Bhattara mane and there are camping sites also available. We got like 3hours of sleep and morning we woke up like 3 am and headed to the camping point

And after explaining about the day 2 trek we started at 4:30 am but there was a long line to the KP Trek.

There are fees for the trek it’s around 250-500 per person I don’t know exact and they take the plastic count over that place and according to that you have to pay some amount and when you head back you’ll get that money back. We wasted around 1-hour standing and plastic counting. We started our trek like 5:30 and it was a bit late but nothing can be done at that point.
On the way, we had a great talk and got to know about the team

And we reached KUMAR PARVATHA around 11:30 am and which was around again 7 km trek
The view from the there was amazing

Kumara Parvatha - ShepherdTrail Blog 7
As I said this was 40 people’s batch and only 20-25 people completed KP.

And we took around 30-45 min rest and had some snacks and we stared but its trek downtime. We reached Bhattara mane like 3 pm and had lunch and again continued towards the starting point
And it was a 28 km trek up and down on a single day we reached base around 6 pm

And oh boy this is the most difficult time!

You have to say goodbye to your trek partners
Who knows you might see them again or not
But the friendship which is made over there
They were there for you when it was hard and you for theirs

But finally, everyone was there
We said our final goodbye and started our ride home

But to be frank I’ve done like 10-15 different treks and this is one of my best and most memorable trek of all time

And i want to thank Jagadish Kulal, Bharath Beltangadi, Sowmya Stetty 🙏🏽❤️

Kheerganga Trek - Vishwa - Shepherdtrail Blog 2

Feeling Low? Go to the mountains! | Kheerganga Trek

Feeling Low? Go to the mountains! | Kheerganga Trek

After a weary workday, I got a call from my friend we were sharing glimpses and he came up with the Kasol tour plan. I wanted to escape from the routine so I didn’t check anything about it and without any hesitation, I said let’s go. And that’s how we ended up on this trek.

It was a companionless journey from Chennai to Delhi to join my friend at Delhi airport we were about to kiss goodbye to the bus that we booked. We could catch the bus at the last minute, met strangers on the bus who were planning to trek Kheerganga. After staying in Kasol for two days, on the pleasant morning of Day 3, we reached Bharshaini Dam to witness the beauty of nature.


I think there are certain moments which people will never forget, like All the firsts when the first tide touches your feet, first snowflake, first love, first kiss!! That’s how I felt after seeing the snow-capped mountains.

From there we started the 12Km trek, on the way we met a few students rushing to schools in the mountain terrain and walked through the villages to experience the completely unknown culture of Himachal on the way to reaching  the base camp

After trekking for 7km we reached the base camp of Kheerganga trek called Rudranaag amidst the white-capped hills, where we saw the poster stating reward for finding the person who lost in the trek and realized it’s all fun and games until you lost and cease to exist.


We were a team of 7 members and accompanied by a local guide in Rudranaag not to miss the stray dogs, who stayed with us from start to end of the trek. From base camp, we crossed the Parvati valley to climb the mountains covered with slippery snow. Trekked almost 3 hrs to reach the kheerganga camp at 13000 ft above sea level, where one could embrace the mighty Himalayan ranges.

On top, we found one hot spring, At that moment I felt “God is a great artist but we are luckier than him to live on his finest art!!”

Barefoot we walked in the snow to reach the hot spring, the warmth given by the hot water, Oh, God!! That was heaven in real-time.

After a long trek, we camped at Kheerganga that night, amidst the Himalayas and clear night sky showing its beauty, next day we started our return journey. Trekking downhill on a slippery surface is not an easy task. I would personally say the return journey was difficult and one should be mentally ready to face the fear because while trekking uphill we will be facing the mountain but in the case of downhill, it is the valley. With the help of a veteran guide, we made it back to Rudranaag.

The trek hasn’t only given us adventure but shown us the culture of Himachal. You may not remember their names, you may not meet them again but you will always remember their quick laughs, quiet smiles, small chats, and great gestures, you will cherish them forever.


Some people say that unplanned trips are the best, I don’t know how far it’s true but the Kheerganga trek was unplanned, which will stay as a core memory in my life.


P.S: Find all information about Kheerganga Trek here.

Kedarkantha Trek - Photowalk - ShepherdTrail Blog 11

A Photowalk to Kedarkantha Trek

I recently went to Kedarkantha Trek. To say the trek was magical is a small word. Being on this trek has helped me realise that the saying  ” Be the change you wish to see in the world” is true,

Juda Ka Talab - Kedarkantha Trek

Juda Ka Talab – Kedarkantha Trek

A skill that I learned was how to pack your backpack, and how to handle the trek poles.

I also was observing how the guides almost like gazelles just glided through the paths when I was struggling to understand where to place a step, I realised the whole body posture helps in playing a role

Taking part in GreenTrails was a beautiful experience. It reminded me that in spite of the beauty and majesty, the mountain ecosystem is still fragile. We need to be much much much more careful with how much of a footprint we’re leaving behind.

The climb, the views, the freezing weather.. it was all worth it once we got to see the peaks in all their glory from the top.

The skies were clear and we got to spend a quiet 60 minutes on the summit after a long day of trekking.

One word, PRICELESS. We also got to experience snowfall on our last day and it was amazing to see how everything around us felt surreal!!

With that, this is Vaani on Kedarkantha Trek ! Keep Hiking! Live your life.



Kheerganga - My first Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 1

 Kheerganga- My First Trek – By Bisheshwar Das

 KheerGanga- My First Trek

Whether listed down on a paper or not, everyone has a bucket list- a list of things they want to experience before their soul leaves the body. No matter how beautiful one’s city is or how upgraded and techie one’s room is, the pleasure of enjoying nature is unmatchable.

A frustrated engineering mind from exams wanted some refreshment. The evening after the last exam, our group of Nepali students studying at Thapar University sat down and started thinking of going on a trip. We certainly didn’t want to visit any cities but to go to nature. I have always wanted to go on a trek, so I suggested a place my friends had recently been to, Triund. Later we found out about Kheerganga Trek and decided to go there. We planned on leaving the following evening, and so we did. We left Patiala at around 7, we reached Chandigarh, and as there was no direct bus available for Kasol, we had to go on the bus to Manali and stop at Bhuntar. We arrived at Bhuntar early in the morning and then sat on a bus and we were off to the base of trekking, Barshaini. We then had some lunch and started our trek.

Kheerganga - My first Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 2

Trekking to Kheerganga

I was very excited about this trip, my first trek. I can still feel that feeling putting my first foot on the inclined hilly small path with a tripod in one hand and a helping stick in the other. We reached the top around 4 pm. There was no network, just nature; Gosh, that feeling is fantastic. My legs were hurting, but my soul was pleased to reach the camp.

Kheerganga - My first Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 1

Our group at Kheerganga

We then had mango juice(maaza), and then we went for a hot spring bath. We then went to the Shiva temple beside the hot spring (Parvati Kund). After that, we returned to camp and had Maggie noodles. Later, we enjoyed dancing to music. After that, we all went for a bit of rest, and then we all gathered for a campfire. We played Etymology (antakshari) in a group of two and danced. Some people from other groups joined us as well. Though from different regions, we were certainly united by the music. After that, we had dinner, and then some stayed by the campfire, and some, including myself, went to sleep.

 The following day, while most of us were asleep. Four of us went up the hill with determination to reach the snow point there. We went through bushes and rugged paths, but eventually, we got to the snow point, enjoyed it for a while, captured some photos, and returned.

Kheerganga - My first Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 3

Reached the snow point

After we reached the camp, the rest of the members were awake as well, and thus we had our breakfast, and then we set our backpacks to return. We captured group photos and then got back to our journey. We ended up on a different way around with no intention, which was a little tricky but more fun trekking. This path passed through a beautiful village as well.

 We had planned to spend some time in Kasol, so we didn’t spend much time in Barshaini. We got there fresh, had some chips and cold drinks, and sat on the bus to Kasol. We reached Kasol by around 3 pm. Then we had some evening snacks, momos and chowmein.

Kheerganga - My first Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog - Kasol

Beautiful Kasol market

We then booked our tickets to Chandigarh. The bus was at 10:00 pm. So we decided to spend time by the riverside, and so we did. We went to the nearby riverside and spent the evening there. We took some photos and piled up rocks as a pagoda.Kheerganga - My first Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 5 We later brought some cold drinks and snacks and enjoyed singing. After that, it was almost dark around 07:30 pm. We returned to the city and roamed through the local market. We went to the bus stand at the respective time, reached Chandīgarh by morning, wandered a bit there, and returned to the hostel by noon.

 Have you ever been into addiction? The addiction of tick marking the list, the list you make of things that makes your soul relaxed and happy. This trek was on my list, and I walked every step with excitement, like, yay, I am doing this. This trek was a wholesome pack of excitement and happiness to my soul. The more the uneven and uneasy path, the more keen my heart was to cross it.

त्रिउंड की एक अनप्लैंड ट्रिप - ShepherdTrail Blog 7

त्रिउंड की एक अनप्लैंड ट्रिप की कहानी!

आखिर एक अनप्लैंड ट्रिप कितना अनप्लैंड हो सकता है?
मैं बताता हूं कितना 😂
तो मैकलोडगंज की एक सुहानी धूप भरी सुबह में मन हुआ की चलो त्रिउंड के मैजिक व्यू कैफे तक चढ़कर एक चाय मैगी खाकर शाम तक वापस चले आते है, थोड़ी ठंडी हवा का वहम था तो एक लेयर जैकेट अपने डे पैक में डाला। एक पानी की बोतल, अपना कैमरा, 2 फ्रूट केक और छाता ताकि बाय चांस बारिश हो गई तो ठीक रहेगा। मुझे पता है ऑलरेडी काफी प्लांड लग रहा होगा, लेकिन ऐसा नही है। 😂

मैं अपने मित्र (जो की हॉस्टल में ही मिला था) के साथ चल पड़ा। मैजिक व्यू 10 बजे सुबह पहुंच गया तो लगा की Triund अब कोनसा दूर है, चल लेते है, आने में तो वैसे भी आधा टाइम ही लगेगा (ओवरकॉन्फिडेंस सूंघ पा रहे हो? 🤣)


चल पड़े भाई, गानों की धुन और वक्त पर लौटने की धनक ने 12 बजे Triund पहुंचा दिया। कसम से क्या मौसम था, सामने मूनपीक की खूबसूरती के तो क्या ही कहने। यहां में सच में पिघल गया था 😍


यहां मेने अपने दोस्त से मसखरी में कहा, क्यों अरुण भाई, क्या लगता है और पास से कैसा लगता होगा ? अरुण भाई ठिठके और बोले यहां तो बढ़िया लग रहा है, पास से और बढ़िया लगेगा । मेरे अतिउत्तेजित चहरे को भांप कर मैगी परोसते हुए दुकान वाले चाचा बोले “स्नोलाइन भी 1 घंटा ही है यह से”

मां कसम यही में दूसरी बार ओवरकॉन्फिडेंस में आगया था 😂


“अरुण भाई देखो अगर स्नोलाइन जाकर आए तो 2 घंटे और सही, 2:30 बजे उतरना शुरू करेंगे वापस यहीं से और 5 बजे तो हॉस्टल” ये सब में सादे में बोल रहा था 😂😂
विज्ञान के अवकलन समाकलन के जोड़ अपने जीवन में इतनी तेजी से नही किए थे की ये कर रहा था 😂
खैर मैगी सुड्डक के चल दिए, ऊबड़ खाबड़ रास्ते से झूमते झामते कुदरत के नजारे लेते हुए भी मूनपीक के प्यार में पागल होते हुए सोच रहे थे की पास से कितना सुंदर लगेगा 😂
खैर हम 1:15 बजे स्नोलाइन पहुंचे ।


आए हाए नजारे आगए, शांति के अलावा स्नोलाइन इसलिए भी पसंद है की शाम में बैठ कर मूनपीक के चहेरे पर वो सुनहरी चुनर देखने को मिलती है, सूरज की किरणे अपने सुनहरे रंग की आखिरी आभा में उस पहाड़ को इस ढकती है जैसे किसी दुल्हन के चहरे का घूंघट 😍|


खैर, वहां पहुंचते ही अपने ये विचार दिमाग में दही की तरह फैल चुके थे। चाचा से एक गरम चाय ली। 2 मिनट तक उस पहाड़ को अपने अंदर झांकने दिया ( और क्या, इतना करीब से और भी अद्भुत था की अब मेरी क्या औकात की मैं उसमे झांकू?)
चुस्की लेते हुए चाचा से पूछा “टेंट है?” 🤔
“आखिरी बचा है”
अब अरुण भाई पहले भी ज्यादा शक की नजर से देख रहे थे 🙄
मैं बोलता उससे पहले से ही तपाक से बोले “2:30 बजे नीचे उतरना शुरू करना है?”
मेरे की अब जाने का मन था ही नही 🤭
मेने अरुण भाई के बजाय चाचा को जवाब दिया ” वो ऊपर वाली साइड में सनराइज फेसिंग करके लगा दो 2 लोग के लिए” 😂🤣
में और अरुण भाई जोर से हंसे। 😂
“तू ठंड से मरवाएगा आज” बोलकर अरुण भाई चाय सुडकने लगे।
“अब नया प्लान सुनो” मेने सीरियस होके बोलने की कोशिश की।
अरुण भाई का चेहरा देखने लायक था 😂
“अभी सनसेट देखेंगे, सुबह 6 बजे लाका ग्लेशियर चलेंगे, 11 बजे वहा से निकलेंगे और 3-4 बजे तक नीचे” 🤔
लगा अरुण भाई से उनकी आत्मा मांग ली 😂

मैं चुपचाप चाय सुडकने लगा 🤭

अब लग रहा था कुछ ज्यादा ही अनप्लैन्ड हो रहा है।

वो अलग बात है की कैसे इसी ट्रिप पर पजामा टीशर्ट पहने एक पतले जैकेट के सहारे इंद्रहार तक कर आए 😂🤣
आगे की अनप्लैंड कहानी कभी और 😂

हां ये पीछे लाका ग्लेशियर ही है और वो मूनपीक का साइड पोज ( मेरा भी 😂 😅 🙌)



Chopta Tunganath Chandrashila Trek through my lens

Chopta Tunganath Chandrashila Trek through my lens

Having a bucket list is good but getting started with living them is great. I always wanted to have a Himalayan trekking experience. So, I chose the Chopta Tunganath trek which is said to be an easy-moderate trek as compared to other Himalayan Treks.

Chopta Tungnath Chandrashila - ShepherdTrail Blog1

Confluence of Alaknanda and Bhagirathi at Devprayag

We boarded a bus from Delhi at midnight and reached Rishikesh at 5:30 am. There we witnessed a serene sunrise and a cool morning breeze. From there, we started in a cab arranged by the Snowclad team who had also arranged our stay, food and trekking guide for the trek. On our way to Chopta, we were fascinated to see the confluence of Alaknanda and Bhagirathi at Devprayag that makes the Holy River Ganga.   We reached our base camp by afternoon. After reaching Chopta, we had a great time playing with colours by the side of a river stream just below the camp, as it was the occasion of Holi. Chopta Tungnath Chandrashila - ShepherdTrail Blog2We stayed in Swiss tents which had basic things like bed blankets and a washroom.

The next morning, we had a light breakfast and carried packed food for our trek.

The path towards Tungnath is cemented. This beautiful route is surrounded by Rhododendron bushes all around. On our way, we could see views of the mighty Himalayan Mountain ranges. One would never fall short of views throughout the trek. The mountains allow us to pause and be in awe of the world’s natural splendour.

Tung Nath is the world’s highest Shiva temple at an elevation of 12073 feet. It is a Panch Kedar temple located 4 kilometres from Chopta. After slaying their cousins in the Kurukshetra war, the Pandavas are said to have embarked on their quest to find Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva, however, was enraged by all the killings and wanted to avoid them, so he transformed into a bull and vanished into the ground, his bodily parts scattering in various locations. The place carries an amazing vibe with it.

Another climb of 1 hr leads us to Chandrashila peak. Chandrashila translates to “Moonrock.” The path from Tungnath to Chandrashilla was difficult as it was covered with a thick layer of snow and it was slippery. So we had to be very careful in choosing our steps. On reaching the top we had an experience like never before. I felt like I am on top of the world! We could have a breath-taking 360-degree view, including the Himalayan ranges like Nanda Devi, Kedar Peak, Chaukhamba Peaks, Trisul, and BandarpunchBeing in the mountains reminds us how insignificant we are on this magnificent planet. Making us feel excitingly vulnerable while emphasizing how much we still haven’t seen.

On our way back, we could see a beautiful sunset. The sun, with its warm colours, painted the sky and made the place an enchanted world.

We returned to the comfort of our tent yet it felt like we had been cast a spell that made us go back to those mountains in our thoughts. My heart was full of the moments, views and experiences. At night we had a bonfire and a great time getting to know other trekkers in the camp there.

Although the trek is over now, we are left with a lifetime of experience and memories to cherish!

You can read more experience about this trek here.



Churdhar Trek - shepherdtrail blog

Churdhar Trek – The best trek near to Chandigarh

130 KM from Chandigarh, Churdhar (elevation of 3,647 metres; 11,965 feet) is the highest peak in Sirmour district and is also the highest peak in the outer Himalayas and offers a 360° view of the Himalayas. Once you are at the top you witness one of the best landscapes from the peak. You can find all the essential information about the trek here. I consider this as the best weekend trek from Chandigarh as it’s equally challenging and mesmerising at the same time. Moreover, you can reach the trek base in just 4 hours.

So I was planning Trek to Churdhar peak along with Pankaj and my friends from work. Pankaj also got 2 of his friends to join for the trek. We were short of the camping gear so we got the same from the market outside the Air Force station Chandigarh. Though these days you can easily rent the required gears from Gadget Rental India in Chandigarh. I started my journey from Chandigarh and agreed to meet Pankaj at Solan the next day morning. On trek day Pankaj reached Solan around 6:00 AM. After some time we started our journey towards Noradhar.

Noradhar is one of the bases for Churdhar Trek and is a small village. The main routes for arrival are from Nohradhar to 18 Km, (Sirmour)and Sarahan, Chaupal of 8 km. You can get all the essential items for the trek at Noradhar.

We reached Noradhar at 10:30 am and got a new cooking pot. We also got some food and water as we were told that this was the last point where we would get food.

We started the trek at 10:50 am. There is a big gate of “Shirgul Maharaj” temple at starting of the trek.

Entry gate for Churdhar Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog

The entry gate for Churdhar Trek

Churdhar is a holy place related to Shri Shirgul Maharaj (Chureshwar Maharaj), a deity widely worshipped in Sirmour and Chaupal.

At the very beginning of the trek, we found 2 different trails which meet at Jamnala. We followed the unpaved path which goes straight up and is a bit inclined.

Hiking to Chureshwar Mahadev | Churdhar Trek

Hiking to Chureshwar Mahadev | Churdhar Trek

I recommend taking this path only as it is very scenic however you need to start early in the morning as the sun is directly above your head for an initial 2-3 Km hike and there is no shelter/trees.

Once we entered the forest we were welcomed with the Rhododendron Tree forest. There is a bit flat trail and meadow once you cross the initial 2-3 km.

Meadows on Churdhar Trek

Meadows on Churdhar Trek

You can see the entire Sirmour valley from here. On one side of the trail, you will find a Churdhar wildlife sanctuary which is well protected by wires and on the other side, you keep hiking the trail. The trail further goes deep into the forest which is wide and thick.

Rhodo trees on Churdhar Trek | Shepherdtrail Blog

Rhododendron Tree forest on Churdhar Trek

Around afternoon we reached Jamnala. Before Jamnala there is only one water source which is maintained as this trail is also used by devotees for pilgrimage journeys to Churdhar.

Jam Nallah Campsite | ShepherdTrail Blog

Jam Nallah Campsite | Pic Credit: Campydingle

Jamnala is having a small rain shelter that is used by Shepherds and devotees while on the way to Churdhar. When we reached Jamnala it started training so we waited in the shelter for some time.

Rain Shelter at Jamnala, Churdhar Trek | Shepherdtrail Blog

Rain Shelter at Jamnala, Churdhar Trek

After waiting for some time we started liking again through the mesmerizing forest. Between Jamnala and Tisri you will find another water source. By 4 PM we reached Tisri and started setting up the camp as we wanted to stay at Tisri for the night.

Camping at Tisri - Churdhar Trek

Camping at Tisri – Melting Ice to arrange water for cooking – Churdhar Trek

We didn’t carry enough water when hiking though we had a fair idea that there will be no water source however we drank all the water before we reached Tisri. We had to collect some ice and melt which we used for cooking.

Enjoying food at Tisri | Churdhar Trek

Lunchtime at Tisri | Churdhar Trek

We were ready to sleep inside our tents when we heard a few voices approaching us. It was way too dark and at first, we were a bit afraid as we were the only ones who were camping at Tisri. Then we heard someone calling us. We were afraid and paused for a few minutes as it was way too dark and if you know there are a lot of haunted stories which we hear in mountains. After waiting for a few minutes we asked who it is? We were shocked when we heard a kid’s voice. We came out of our tents to find out what’s the matter. We were shattered to know what happened after that. There were 2 tall men, wearing just normal shirts without any sweater, with a child, totally lost. It was freezing cold outside. They immediately started requesting us to get their kid inside the tent.

Upon enquiring we found out that they were tourists from someplace in Haryana and they were misguided that they can reach the temple in 3-4 hours and everything is sorted there including food and stay. We felt angry and concerned at the same time.

Advice to every parent, please do a proper research of the trail if you are planning to get your childrens on a trek along with you. The treks are not the place for picnic and you definately need to consider all odd options and prepare for it before you get  your kids join it. I suggest consider double the time you were able to do a trek when you are doing the trek with your kids.

We got the kid inside the tents however both the male persons had to spend the night outside besides the campfire. fortunately, we had collected enough firewood to cook in the morning which kept them going throughout the night. I wonder what could have happened if they didn’t find us at night.

The next morning we started the final hike at around 7:00 AM. After Tisri there are two ways to reach the Churdhar peak. One of the ways first go to the temple and Sarai and from there you need to hike to Shiva sculpture. There is a Sarai at the temple where you can stay for the night after paying nominal charges. The second way goes straight up and is very inclined. The trail is also tricky at a few points and you literally need to cross rocks. After hiking for approx. 2 hours we reached above rocks from where the path is not that inclined and is very easy.

Completed the toughest stretch from Churdhar Trek

Completed the toughest stretch from Churdhar Trek

On one side of the way, you will see the entire valley. Also after this point, Shiva sculpture is visible and you feel new energy to keep hiking.

Final Stretch to Churdhar peak

Final Stretch to Churdhar peak

The final stretch was where Prabh found out/fought and conquered his fear of heights. Once we were in the final stretch you can literally feel that you are walking on a mountain top and one step here and there could put your life at risk. This is where Prabh literally panicked and started shivering for a few minutes. He sat on the ground and said that he can’t walk further and he will wait for us here. We waited for a few minutes, rested and motivated him to walk as the peak was very near. After a few minutes, he was able to overcome the fear and after that, he was literally jumping over the rocks. This is where I think he discovered and lost his fear of heights and this was the blessings of Lord Shiva that helped him.

Prabh after winning over the fear of heights! Thanking Lord Shiva!

We reached the peak at 10 am. The views from the peak are just from another world. The peak feels like a place from where you can say Lord Shiva is watching on us 24*7. The peak has 360-degree view and you can see all around.

Nag Pathar in Churdhar | Pic Credit: Campydingle

The peak has a Shiva sculpture and a small temple.

Shiva Sculpture at Churdhar

Shiva Sculpture at Churdhar

I sought the blessings of Lord Shiva and thanked him for being the guiding spirit throughout the journey.

Churdhar Peak | Chureshwar mahadev

Churdhar Peak | Chureshwar mahadev

Views from Churdhar Peak

Views from Churdhar Peak

We started heading back @ 10:30 AM and cooked and had Maggi on our way back to Noradhar.

Heading back from Churdhar Peak

Heading back from Churdhar Peak

From jamnala we took another trail on the left which is well paved. By 4 PM we reached Noradhar.  Till this date the memories of the trail, the lost family and Prabh overcoming his fears is very fresh in my mind.

Mountains are definitely the place where I feel most alive and I am sure the same is the case with every trekking enthusiast.

Trident at Churdhar Peak

Trident at Churdhar Peak

What’s your Churdhar story? Do share with us in the comments section. DM if you wish to share your blog/story on ShepherdTrail.

Har Har Mahadev!

Rudranath Temple Trek - Shepherdtrail Blog2

Rudranath Temple Trek – My Savior – The Lord Shiva

We had a state football tournament prior to this we were very, very exhausted.  The tournament ended by four in the evening and we headed to this place after that. Mostly in these places people get in their shelters by six. On our way, we met a few people who told us to get back as it was pretty dangerous to trek at night, that too in a dense forest.

But we carried on, I personally was having fever and even played the game with some medicines.


When we were trekking as we went to the higher altitude and it was getting dark, the temperature fell and I was all caught up by the fever. I remember sleeping just after walking a few steps. There came a time when I couldn’t even move a muscle. I literally gave up. I told my friend that I’ll spend the night in this jungle although it was very, very dangerous with all the wild animals and also the monsoon. Just then A friend of mine shouted that he saw some light at a distance. To this day I remember that moment how energized I felt when I saw that light.

Rudranath Temple Trek - Shepherdtrail Blog3

That man had a little hut built over there and he generously asked us to Step-in, he also did warn us that we shouldn’t be moving around the jungle this late, soon as I saw the place I could rest I quickly rushed to the spot and made myself comfortable, all set to go down in a deep slumber. The man said that he would give me an extra sheet to lay on but I couldn’t care less.


The next morning when I woke up I thanked the man and told him,

I have no idea if I would get a glimpse of God in the temple or not but I am pretty sure I found God in you, you were my saviour the last night. 


After thanking him for the hospitality my friend saw us the gigantic pannar bugyaal we had to climb. It was like giving up and for a moment I did, I told him God is the witness of what I am suffering and he won’t be angry with me. Still, I somehow got the adrenaline pumped and started the climb. The view on reaching pannar was something that one would fail to express in words, we had the gigantic Nanda Devi peak right in front of us that too with a lush green meadow adding to the beauty. 

It still was  10kms to reach our destination. It turned foggy and the temperature dropped and dropping temperature raised my fever, it became harder and harder for me to walk. A person who loves being clicked refused for photographs I remember one of my fellow trekkers saying,”topwal bhai yahan pe achhi photo ayegi” 

And I was like forget it I can’t even move a muscle. When you decide to go on a monsoon trek, the most important thing to carry is a raincoat. 


I remember everything being wet as it rained heavily the last night, yes the same night I almost slept in the jungle. Every time I was to rest I would take out my raincoat which I had made fold and kept in my pocket, I’d place it on the stone and then sit on it, I remember this one time when I got up and walked and after walking a few steps I saw that I forgot to pick up my raincoat, Believe me, I didn’t had enough energy to even walk back and pick up that necessity.

After the long ascent came a 3-4km of mild descent walk, And opposite to what it would be for other people I was equally weak on the descent. 

But eventually, at 12:30 we were at our destination we had the Holy temple of Rudranath in front of us, but to our bad luck, the temple was closed for bhog and would open at 4. We could do nothing but return back, And as we were to step out to return back, it rained so heavily we couldn’t go anywhere. 


The priest told us to take shelter in the nearby cottage which was at a distance of around 50 m. We rushed to that cottage and having not picked that raincoat was hurting. The rain stopped at around 3:30. And we decided that we will visit the temple and later head to Gopeshwar.

Rudranath Temple Trek - Shepherdtrail Blog4


ter resting for around 3 and 1/2 hours, When I climbed those 50m towards the temple, I was gasping for breath I was so exhausted in just those 50m, I was worried about how would I get back home, I even prayed the lord that I would never ever go on a trek, just get me out of here. I remember my friend asked me to get a few flowers which were just next to me but I couldn’t hand them to him because I was still breathing heavily. I hardly have any picture of mine near the temple Because I didn’t have the energy to pose for that. I asked the locals to get me a horse for my way back but to add to our bad luck all the horses were taken by the last group of tourists. After claiming myself down I went inside the temple and prayed to the Lord, I would consider myself a bit atheist till this very moment. And for me, this wasn’t a visit to a temple but just a trek to get off my bucket list.


But what was about to happen has changed my life completely. I took the Prashad and we all headed back. The locals asked us to halt for the night and we refused and continued walking. 

Rudranath Temple - ShepherdTrail Blog

Rudranath Temple

The last 4 km of the trek which was a descent towards the temple was an ascent now. And to the surprise to me and my friends on the ascent of 4kms, I just sat down once. It was like there was some kind of energy that was put inside me and I just walked and walked all the way down 18 km to the Sagar village the starting point of the rudhranath Trek. 


When I checked into the hotel room that night before I could sleep I thought about what had happened to me, that was when I realized what a fool was I to question the existence of God. It was he after seeking who’s blessing I could do this, It was he after taking who’s Prashad I could do this, It was he who made me do this. And from that moment I am a shiv bhakt. At that moment I promised myself That I’ll do the Panch Kedar


And today shiva has made me complete my panch kedar. I wish I could make my lifestyle the way he wants it to be, do everything that pleases him and be a good soul. 


 नमः शिवाय

-Ashish Topwal

Never Ending Voyage - Lessons learned from Trekking

Never Ending Voyage – Lessons learned from Trekking

Blue, green and brown were my most used pastel colors all through my childhood not knowing that these colors will forever leave firm imprints on my life. I am a total hill person. I love anything and everything about mountains, clear blue skies, vast green meadows and dense forests. I don’t remember what kick started this love but it’s there now for a while and one thing that I am sure of is that it will last till my legs give away. Mountains have given more than have taken from me. Here are my life lessons or  things I learned from my trekking experiences –

You can’t succeed if you don’t try. You could only fail if you didn’t try .

 I have been a soft corner for nature since childhood and was automatically drawn towards mountains and their beauty. Often times reading several adventure series and travel books made me wonder if I could also embark on such journeys! What would it be like treading difficult paths like these amazing men did? I used to underestimate myself thinking I can never scale such heights till I made up my mind one day to give it a shot and there hasn’t been any stopping since then. My first trek to Kedarkanta was not only strenuous but also painful.Never Ending Voyage - Lessons learned from Trekking1

My body did not expect hardships that I suddenly hurled on it and neither was I mentally prepared to hike more and more. But more I trekked along, pushed myself ahead, ignoring the pains and sickness, the easier it got for me to walk ahead. I slowly began to see things differently beyond the hardships and discomforts that nature bestowed upon me. I started to observe more, feel more and see the beauty of things around. That was the first time I realized how many other things I was capable of doing if only I tried. There is no point in letting the fear of failure hold you back from doing something you want to do or capable of doing. Just start with venturing out, see how far you get, improve your abilities and keep going!

Rise above yourself, there is a bigger world ahead that awaits you.

We are so engrossed in our own world, with our own little problems that we have lost all our capability to look beyond ourselves. It’s only when we are exposed to rough terrains wherein we are cut off from civilization and see local tribes with bare minimum necessities to live on, yet never complaining and living in harmony and complete submission with nature, that we wonder whether the Glass is half full or half empty? Mountain life is tedious and difficult. Hill people live in wooden houses with basic amenities and in areas that are always prone to natural calamities, bear tremendous cold weather, walk for miles to fetch water or woods from the forests. Kids with cracked red cheeks that hurt all the time, often walk for hours to attend school yet you will always find the locals hospitable with whatever little they have, ever smiling at you when met enroute. Sometimes they lend a helping hand or just pass a good luck smile and move on. In contrast, we the urban city life dwellers always live a life of tension and stress – we have loans to repay, our salaries are always too less, loved ones who never reciprocate, we love foods which we can’t intake as we have the growing obesity issues seeping in to our lives. We are constantly put under the scanner of society with people analyzing our every step. But if you manage to break free of this cluttered city life every once in a while you will come across people who care, and who bond with strangers with no high expectations.

A trek develops a sense of gratitude to things and people around.

Trekking makes you ponder over how many people and things came together to make your success possible. You instantly feel thankful about it. A monsoon trek to Deomali helped me realize “how many things” and “how many people” have contributed to our well-being.Never Ending Voyage - Lessons learned from Trekking2

Trekking gives us time for reflection, which promotes clarity. Clarity significantly improves decision making abilities.

There are many things about trekking that simply make you think. It could be the alone time, the view, the scale of the mountains, anything. But it promotes thinking and often gives you clarity. Walking alone in mountains is a great experience. Trails cut between mountains and run by the riverside. I get this opportunity mostly in my Himalayan treks. There are miles and miles of mountains in front of us and miles behind us. I feel minuscule among the mighty mountains. It is here I start wondering about the purpose of our existence. Have we found it yet? Do we even know that we need to find it? What are our primary and secondary duties in life? What are the factors derailing us from our duties?

Never Ending Voyage - Lessons learned from Trekking

These questions are not tricky ones. Sometimes on a trek, we get answers that are extraordinarily impactful on our lives.

Trekking helps you realize that true happiness is not a product of amassing things.

On the Bramhatal trek in the December of 2021, we walked past some beautiful forest and mountain passes. In my opinion, they were the the best seven days I have ever spent. Now let us look at it the other way. We were walking with a backpack, eating simple food and having “the best time”? How can someone be having the “best time” when they are deprived of basic necessities of a comfortable bed, car and sophisticated restrooms? What does happiness depend upon then? “What” and “how much of it” do we need to possess to be happy? How much mental baggage do we absolutely need? What I have said afore is by no means a complete cover of my experiences, but it gives you an idea of my biggest learnings. Never Ending Voyage - Lessons learned from Trekking3While some of my learnings are universal, learnings from a trek is also a subjective experience.


Tunganath and Chandrashila Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 9

How I Met Me – A Trek Date – Tunganath and Chandershila Trek

How I Met Me – A Trek Date

At times, all it takes is just that 1 trip, 1 destination, 1 moment, or 1 experience to see through oneself.

For me, that was my 1st Himalayan Trek to Tunganath and Chandrashila (12,500 ft) in Uttarakhand. A trek that made me see life with a new lens. This blog is more about that lens than the logistics of the trek.

The Trek (Tunganath and Chandrashila)

It was a 5-day trek from Sari Village – a beautiful hamlet at an elevation of 6500 ft in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand, around 200 KM from Rishikesh.

The trek had actually begun days before reaching Sari. There was a lot of prep work that went in, starting from cardio exercises, weight training, a few breathing exercises, shopping the trekking gear, making a packing checklist, first-aid kit, etc.

And finally, I reached Sari – the base camp for my Trek. Reaching the base camp was a Trek in itself😊.

First, Fly from Hyderabad to New Delhi. Then take an overnight train from New Delhi to Haridwar. And then comes the 7 hours long road journey from Haridwar to Sari.

Tunganath and Chandrashila Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 1
This has been always the same in all my treks. It’s like getting you prepared for the real trek 😊.

The next 5 days were absolutely thrilling and exciting filled with memories of a lifetime. Of course, it was very tiring for a beginner, but it was equally relaxing around gorgeous campsites as you can see.Tunganath and Chandrashila Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 2

Each day was full of scenic views of Mt. Chaukamba, Rhododendron forest trails, idyllic glens and meadows, beautiful Himalayan birds like the Yellow-billed blue magpie, and Uttarakhand’s State Bird – The Monal.Tunganath and Chandrashila Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 3

It was all about how you keep going and push yourself to complete that 1-day target, instead of thinking how to reach the summit, as the saying says – One step at a time.

No matter how far or high is the summit, if you just focus on today’s target, push yourself to achieve that one thing today, that’s how you reach towards your summit.

The Summit

“One day, the mountain that is in front of you, it will barely be visible in the distance. But the person you become in learning to get over it? That will stay with you forever. And that is the point of the mountain.”― Brianna Wiest

This is exactly what happened to me in the trek. I am an entirely different person after the trek; I am more of a minimalist than a materialistic, confident, adventurous, living life to the fullest, respectful and mindful of the power of Nature more, valuing Living over Existing. Impossibilities are sometimes the gates to new possibilities. Exploring one’s fears and limitations opens such gates that we never imagined.

This is what standing on the summit felt like – That eureka of accomplishment; that gush in self-confidence, self-motivation, and seeing a totally different world up there – a different power of creation that I never realized even existed. A moment of nothingness which was also a moment of wholesomeness.

Tunganath and Chandrashila Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 5

You are out of thoughts – that blank moment of life when all you have are those mighty peaks, those high swirling birds, that soothing chillness of the breeze, You, and your heartbeat. That’s all is your World there.

Tunganath and Chandrashila Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 4
That moment of stillness when you find yourself pondering over – Who am I? What is your Life about? What is this creation about? Are you Living or Existing? What’s your purpose on this Planet? Universe has the mystical power to show you what you are seeking.

The Fears

I am a very fearful person 😊. I am claustrophobic, aquaphobic, minor acrophobic, and cynophobic.

I was never aware of these phobias so strong within me until this trek. The moment I went into the sleeping bag in my tent that night, I couldn’t breathe. I felt suffocated, anxious, increased heartbeat – I was just unable to sleep inside the tent. In the entire trek of 5 days, I could sleep a total of 8 hours only. That’s when I faced this phobia head-on – that was the moment I realized this is so strong within me. Every night I used to try different ways to put myself into sleep –mountain pictures, music, staring at the moon and stars in the sky, keeping the tent door slightly open, etc.😊At times, I just walked around the campsite like a zombie 😊. That made me witness some amazing twilights and star-lit skies though.Tunganath and Chandrashila Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 6

This was very difficult during my 1st trek, however, the subsequent treks were a bit better and now I’m able to sleep at least 5 hours every night on a trek 😊.

My next phobia was fear of dogs. Due to a not-so-good encounter with an angry dog in my childhood, I have been very scared of dogs all my life. I met a couple of mountain dogs on my trek and I bonded very well with them, as you can see😊 That’s the 1st time when I really petted a dog. This guy was with us for the entire trek – he followed us from Base Camp to the Summit, like a true companion!

Tunganath and Chandrashila Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 7

Anyone who has been to the mountains can certainly relate to what I’m trying to convey here – even dogs in the mountains are so compassionate and full of warmth. You just need to feel them. From that day on, mountain dogs are my friends 😊. I’m still trying with the city dogs though 😊.

As I mentioned above, reaching the Summit brought in a lot of confidence and everything seemed possible to me thereafter. So, I decided to face my next phobia – Fear of Water. Claustrophobics are mostly aquaphobes too. I did go for River Rafting in The Ganga at Rishikesh, after my trek. The oarsman literally pushed me out of the raft saying “you should try this” 😊 Trust me, it gave me chills all over, I was scared to death and couldn’t process what’s happening.

Tunganath and Chandrashila Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 8

It was really horrifying for a person who never has even tried any basic water sports 😊. You can see that on my face (lol).

It’s always better to face your fears and limitations and fail than to fail anyways running away from them. It will either break you or accelerate you as I did. So, take that plunge towards yourself and explore the real YOU.
This is how I met Me on 1st May 2018, when are you meeting yourself?

Please share your here, it will be my delight to read them.

Kuari pass trek - ShepherdTrail Blog

Kuari Pass | The Coldest Winter Trek | Awesome Experience 2021

It was this time of the year when like every year we go on a trek to explore the mighty mountains, to push our limits, to find peace within, to detach ourselves from our daily routines and to transform into a better human being.

This year we went on a Kuari Pass trek, which is also known as ‘The Curzon Trail’ as Lord Curzon trekked from this route in 1905. It is also one of the coldest winter treks in India. Specifically for us who are used to staying in 40°C heat to go on a trek where temperatures could go around -10°C at night, just the thought of it gave us the chills which actually helped us being mentally prepared for the challenge.

Snow covered tree on Kuari Pass Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog

Snow covered tree on Kuari Pass Trek

To acclimatize ourselves, we decided to stay at Rishikesh for 2 days before starting our trek. The day one of the trek was travelling day where we travelled from Rishikesh to the Tapovan base camp from where our trek was going to start. The journey is very pleasant and you get hang of great mountain views and the river flowing beside all day long. However, if you are someone with motion sickness, you may not enjoy the journey as much as others 😅.

On day two, we started our trekking from Karchi village and we had to reach to Akhrotghetta camp site. Just the first few steps gave us the reminder that the next few days are gonna be challenging in terms of the cold and steep climb. Just after we reached the camp site, had lunch and layered up for the cold evening. It started to snow, it was just magical how the snow flakes were falling down from the sky, it felt like the god is showering his blessings on us in its own way. Few of us witnessed the snow fall for the first time in the life and everyone enjoyed playing in the snow like a kid.

Camping on Kuari Pass Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog

Camping on Kuari Pass Trek

Our day 3 started with a blurry thought that we might not be able to trek to the Kuari Pass summit as it has snowed the whole night since past evening plus it was still snowing while we started to trek for the day from Akhrotghetta to Khullara camp site. It was like a dream to walk while its snowing and it was fulfilled on this day as it was still snowing while we were trekking to our camp today. The views were mesmerizing, we walked through the forest surrounded by the oak trees all around. The sunrays through the trees gives us immense joy and belief to push our limits and continue to grow along. We get the good view of some of the mountain peaks like Mt Dronagiri, Hathi Ghoda, Kamet, etc while on the trail which keeps you motivated and grounded at the same time. Just when we reached the camp site, we knew this is gonna be the coldest night and it indeed was, it went down till -13°c on that day, we all spent our evening in the dining tent as it felt warmer there comparatively. We all talked, played, prepared DIY tomato soup and after having delicious dinner we all went to our tents inside our sleeping bags to face the coldest winter night.

Cooking inside tent in Kuari Pass Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog

Cooking inside tent in Kuari Pass Trek

Day 4, this was the most important and challenging day of the trek. It was the long day so we started little early as we had to do the summit push and then to reach at the Tali campsite. When we started to trek there was a slight sun rays which gave us the hope that if there is no snowfall today like past few days, we will be able to successfully summit. And the god heard the prayers, it was still the chilly and freezing but there was no snowfall and weather was clear for us to push ourselves.

Trekking at Kuari Pass Trek - ShepherdTrail BlogAfter a few hours of decent climb and walking through the snowy slopes we all successfully managed to reach to the Kuari Pass summit point which was a relief and much satisfying, emotional moment for everyone that our planning, preparation of past 3-4 months have paid off. Also, not to miss the view from the top, it has the astonishing 360° view of mountains from the top which includes more than 20 mountain peaks like Chaukhambha, Dronagiri, Nilgiri, Hathi Ghoda, etc so close and clear for you to witness the beauty of nature. After spending some time at the top, we all started to decent , but due to snow mostly everyone had to do a scary snow slide to reach down from the top and heard that due to that other groups were even not able to go to the top. While on the way to Tali, there’s a ridge walk with beautiful views around you. I personally love walking on such ridge and we also had our lunch stop with such view on the way. Today was the long exhausting day and all were very tired, some felt mild headache and body pains, but nothing was serious and everyone successfully completed the summit day.

Trekking at Kuari Pass Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog

Our Group on Kuari Pass Trek

The last day of the trek and it was also the last day of the year 2021, yes in last few days we were totally disconnected and didn’t remember which date or day it was but as the trek was coming to the end and it was 31st everyone was up for ending it on high note. So, today we had to reach from Tali campsite to Joshimath. We had to skip Auli as there was lot of snow on the way and in last few days we have seen the lifetime of snow and life in snow. First on the way we went to Tali lake, which is a frozen lake and we spent good quality time there as the weather was clear, the views were great and we also did a small activity to write a post card to our loved ones expressing our gratitude, feelings and emotions. We were writing the post card just in front of the mighty Nanda Devi peak which makes it more special. This activity made people emotional, opened up and write what they feel and look within ourselves. After that it was a lovely gradual decent walk with the most amazing views of the mountain peaks which was the highlight of the trek. You feel you are constantly walking towards the mountains and they are welcoming you with their arms wide open. After walking few kms and walking through the village we managed to reach Joshimath where we had to end our this year’s trek journey.

Trekking at Kuari Pass Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog

That’s me standing tall at Kuari Pass!

As it was the 31st Dec, we welcomed the new year with all the positive vibes and wishing each other a happy new year by cutting a new year cake🍰. Also, we looked at the past few days spend together in not so comfortable space and everyone talked about their journey to reach here and how they felt about it by expressing their thoughts.


Team at Tali Lake on Kuari Pass Trek

It was a life time experience, thanks to everyone for being part of it. Hope we continue to go on such adventures. God bless🙏

Hire trekking guide - ShepherdTrail Blog

Why you should hire trekking guide for your next trek?

I want to share my thoughts about a very important topic: whether to trek solo or hire an agency? Well for people who are going for a trek but don’t like much company, hiring a local guide gives you a lot of flexibility and freedom. Hiring a guide is definitely required if you are going for any Himalayan trek.

With trekking growing in India and more people going for treks many local and government bodies have made having a certified trekking guide mandatory for most Himalayan treks. There are a lot of agencies already operating in India which ensures safety and precautions are ensured on treks. Though if you are the kind of person who doesn’t like much of the company you can hire a trekking guide in India.

Most of the trekking guides are certified on safety protocols and know-how to handle any emergency. They are professionals and experienced local guides who know the terrain.

We have listed down a few benefits of hiring a trekking guide for your next trekking trip.

  1. Safety and Security

If you are trekking, having a certified guide ensures safety and security during the trek. Whether you are going on a day hike, trek or expedition you can trust your guide with knowledge of the trail, local weather, routes, good campsites and every precaution to be taken care of. In addition to it, guides are also certified in first aid and can handle any adverse situations.

The guides will also have a good idea of hygienic water sources or food facilities on trails. That way, you can keep diseases away. This will save you from the discomfort of altitude sickness.

Hiring a local guide also adds the benefit of your guide being acclimatized with the local conditions and would be able to help you out in case of any emergency.

  1. Regional knowledge and cultural experience 

Hiring a local guide helps you communicate better with the locals at times. In all Himalayan treks when you are in the interior people there don’t understand other languages than the regional language. A local guide will always have knowledge of the language and would be able to communicate better.

In addition to it, while you are doing a trek, you need to respect and abide by the local culture. Having a guide helps you understand local culture and helps you experience the same.

An excellent adventure travel guide will have a strong understanding of the area where he/she operates. This entails knowing local trails, conditions, weather, and risks. Guides will also ensure you have all the equipment you need before you begin.

  1. Flexible Itineraries 

You often have come across scenarios where you are trekking in a group and have to stick to the Itinerary of the organizer. Even if you like a place and want to spend an additional day or want to rest and acclimatize you have to keep moving as per the trek operator’s itinerary. Having a personalized guide will add flexibility to the itinerary and you can trek at your own pace.

  1. Support the local economy

Hiring local trekking guides also helps to put money in the pockets of locals living in the areas you visit. Also, it adds to the employment in the hills. At ShepherdTrail we give preference to local guides when we suggest a particular trail and guide. This is also part of our vision statement where we are supporting local communities.

Your money not only helps them to live a good life, but it also often helps them to support their families, too.

  1. Mental and Physical Support

As trekking is challenging, there might be occasions where you may feel like giving up the trek. But the guides will constantly boost your morale and show you some simple ways that you can complete the trek.

On the other hand, there might be instances when you push yourself too hard to complete the trek. The guides will help you maintain a good pace without stretching your physical limits too far. This is very important to avoid fatigue and altitude sickness.


With such safety issues and wonderful services that guides provide you, it will come as a surprise if you don’t hire a guide. They are your reliable bet to having a culturally wonderful experience. Their strength, support, and determination to help and protect you is something you can learn from.

General Terms and Conditions: 

  • One guide can handle a group size of a maximum of 8 persons.
  • If the group size is more than 8 persons, you need to book one more guide.
  • Entry tickets, parking charges and other miscellaneous charges are not included.

What the cost include

  • The daily wages of the porters, guides and porter cum guides
  • The meals (including tea and coffee), as well as accommodation
  • The government taxes as well as agency service charge

What the cost excludes

  • The cost of transportation including any flight (if necessary)
  • The cost doesn’t cover any tips that you feel inclined to give to the porters, guides, and porters cum guides.

So, if you are looking to hire a guide for your next trekking trip you can simply hire them from any agency available or just chat on the Shepherdtrail, we might be able to help you out by suggesting a good trekking guide.

Bhubhu Pass Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog

All you need to know about Bhubhu Pass Trek

Bhubhu Pass Trek | Himachal Pradesh | Detailed Itinerary

Bhubhu Pass is a trek that connects Chuhar Valley (Mandi) to the Lagh Valley (Kullu) in the state of Himachal Pradesh. The pass is situated at a height of 2900 m above sea level.

The best time to visit Bhubhu Pass trek is between May to September. Even if you are going in the summer, nights will be colder on this trek. Don’t forget to carry enough layers of woollen clothes for this trek.

Max Altitude – 9280 ft.

Travel to base –   Kullu is well known for its tourist attractions and is well connected by road. The nearest airport is Bhuntar (also known as Kullu airport) from where Kullu is approachable by road. The nearest Railway stations are Chandigarh and Pathankot from where you can board a bus till Manali. It’s advised to come by train to Delhi or Chandigarh from where you can find a lot of buses to Manali going on a daily basis.

Short itinerary for Rajgundha Trek

Day 1 – Kullu to Dalighat and to Dak Bunglow

Trekkers can start their journey from Kullu to Dalighat. From Dalighat start trek towards Dak Bunglow which is a 3 hrs journey from Dalighat. You can camp for the night here.

Day 2 – Dak Bunglow to Jhingbhan by Bhubhu Pass

Start the journey to Jhinbhan which will take approx. 7 hours. Trek is steep at a few points. The camp will be set up here for the day.

Day 3 – Jhingbhan to Dentbhial
Day 4 – Dentbhial to Mulling and further to Barot

Things to keep in mind before attempting Bhubhu Pass Trek.

  • There are a couple of stay options at the base that can be booked after paying some amount.  It is recommended to carry your camping gear or hire an agency to manage your stay and food needs.
  • Trek is a bit challenging at a few points and you may need to prepare for this in advance.

If you are planning for the trek and want to hire camping/trekking equipment you can rent it out at Chandigarh from Gadget Rental India.

Camping Sleeping Bag10°

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Rajgundha Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog

All you need to know Rajgundha Trek

Rajgundha Trek | Trek from Bir Billing | Detailed Itinerary 

Rajgundha Trek is located in Dhauladhar Range. If you are in Bir Billing and looking for a short adventure you should choose this amazing trek experience.  This is a very remote village and not visited much by travellers. The trek goes through the village paths and Rajgundha is approachable in 2 different ways. Alternatively, you can also start your journey from Barot.

Trek’s total distance is 6 km if started from the Barot side and 14 KM if started from the Billing side. Once you reach Rajgundha you can camp overnight or can also return the same day to your base location if you have started your trek from Barot side (One of the best camping destinations in Himachal).

Billing is also a traveller’s inn and you can find homestays, paragliding and camping options there. Also if you have a few more days you can also visit Barot and enjoy camping. Also, there are a lot of monasteries nearby which you can visit.

Travel to base –Nearest airports are Kullu and Kangra. Travellers can plan travel to any of these airports. Bir Billing is approachable from both these locations and there are local buses operating on this route. If you are coming by train you can take the train to Pathankot from where you can either take a bus or if you have some spare time you can also board a Toy train to Jogindernagar.

Short itinerary for Rajgundha Trek

Day 1: Bir to Rajgundha

Once we reach billing then trek will start from Billing. The total trek distance is 14km.

Day 2: Rajgundha to Billing and back to Bir

After breakfast trek back to billing then drive down to Bir.

Things to keep in mind before attempting Rajgundha Trek.

  • Mobile network is available only of that of Airtel and Jio..
  • There are a couple of stay options that can be booked after paying some amount.  It is recommended to carry your camping gear or hire an agency to manage your stay and food needs.
  • Trek is a bit challenging at a few points and you may need to prepare for this in advance.

If you are planning for the trek and want to hire camping/trekking equipment you can rent it out at Chandigarh, Panchkula, Mohali, Zirakpur or Kharar from Gadget Rental India.

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