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त्रिउंड की एक अनप्लैंड ट्रिप - ShepherdTrail Blog 7

त्रिउंड की एक अनप्लैंड ट्रिप की कहानी!

आखिर एक अनप्लैंड ट्रिप कितना अनप्लैंड हो सकता है?
मैं बताता हूं कितना 😂
तो मैकलोडगंज की एक सुहानी धूप भरी सुबह में मन हुआ की चलो त्रिउंड के मैजिक व्यू कैफे तक चढ़कर एक चाय मैगी खाकर शाम तक वापस चले आते है, थोड़ी ठंडी हवा का वहम था तो एक लेयर जैकेट अपने डे पैक में डाला। एक पानी की बोतल, अपना कैमरा, 2 फ्रूट केक और छाता ताकि बाय चांस बारिश हो गई तो ठीक रहेगा। मुझे पता है ऑलरेडी काफी प्लांड लग रहा होगा, लेकिन ऐसा नही है। 😂

मैं अपने मित्र (जो की हॉस्टल में ही मिला था) के साथ चल पड़ा। मैजिक व्यू 10 बजे सुबह पहुंच गया तो लगा की Triund अब कोनसा दूर है, चल लेते है, आने में तो वैसे भी आधा टाइम ही लगेगा (ओवरकॉन्फिडेंस सूंघ पा रहे हो? 🤣)


चल पड़े भाई, गानों की धुन और वक्त पर लौटने की धनक ने 12 बजे Triund पहुंचा दिया। कसम से क्या मौसम था, सामने मूनपीक की खूबसूरती के तो क्या ही कहने। यहां में सच में पिघल गया था 😍


यहां मेने अपने दोस्त से मसखरी में कहा, क्यों अरुण भाई, क्या लगता है और पास से कैसा लगता होगा ? अरुण भाई ठिठके और बोले यहां तो बढ़िया लग रहा है, पास से और बढ़िया लगेगा । मेरे अतिउत्तेजित चहरे को भांप कर मैगी परोसते हुए दुकान वाले चाचा बोले “स्नोलाइन भी 1 घंटा ही है यह से”

मां कसम यही में दूसरी बार ओवरकॉन्फिडेंस में आगया था 😂


“अरुण भाई देखो अगर स्नोलाइन जाकर आए तो 2 घंटे और सही, 2:30 बजे उतरना शुरू करेंगे वापस यहीं से और 5 बजे तो हॉस्टल” ये सब में सादे में बोल रहा था 😂😂
विज्ञान के अवकलन समाकलन के जोड़ अपने जीवन में इतनी तेजी से नही किए थे की ये कर रहा था 😂
खैर मैगी सुड्डक के चल दिए, ऊबड़ खाबड़ रास्ते से झूमते झामते कुदरत के नजारे लेते हुए भी मूनपीक के प्यार में पागल होते हुए सोच रहे थे की पास से कितना सुंदर लगेगा 😂
खैर हम 1:15 बजे स्नोलाइन पहुंचे ।


आए हाए नजारे आगए, शांति के अलावा स्नोलाइन इसलिए भी पसंद है की शाम में बैठ कर मूनपीक के चहेरे पर वो सुनहरी चुनर देखने को मिलती है, सूरज की किरणे अपने सुनहरे रंग की आखिरी आभा में उस पहाड़ को इस ढकती है जैसे किसी दुल्हन के चहरे का घूंघट 😍|


खैर, वहां पहुंचते ही अपने ये विचार दिमाग में दही की तरह फैल चुके थे। चाचा से एक गरम चाय ली। 2 मिनट तक उस पहाड़ को अपने अंदर झांकने दिया ( और क्या, इतना करीब से और भी अद्भुत था की अब मेरी क्या औकात की मैं उसमे झांकू?)
चुस्की लेते हुए चाचा से पूछा “टेंट है?” 🤔
“आखिरी बचा है”
अब अरुण भाई पहले भी ज्यादा शक की नजर से देख रहे थे 🙄
मैं बोलता उससे पहले से ही तपाक से बोले “2:30 बजे नीचे उतरना शुरू करना है?”
मेरे की अब जाने का मन था ही नही 🤭
मेने अरुण भाई के बजाय चाचा को जवाब दिया ” वो ऊपर वाली साइड में सनराइज फेसिंग करके लगा दो 2 लोग के लिए” 😂🤣
में और अरुण भाई जोर से हंसे। 😂
“तू ठंड से मरवाएगा आज” बोलकर अरुण भाई चाय सुडकने लगे।
“अब नया प्लान सुनो” मेने सीरियस होके बोलने की कोशिश की।
अरुण भाई का चेहरा देखने लायक था 😂
“अभी सनसेट देखेंगे, सुबह 6 बजे लाका ग्लेशियर चलेंगे, 11 बजे वहा से निकलेंगे और 3-4 बजे तक नीचे” 🤔
लगा अरुण भाई से उनकी आत्मा मांग ली 😂

मैं चुपचाप चाय सुडकने लगा 🤭

अब लग रहा था कुछ ज्यादा ही अनप्लैन्ड हो रहा है।

वो अलग बात है की कैसे इसी ट्रिप पर पजामा टीशर्ट पहने एक पतले जैकेट के सहारे इंद्रहार तक कर आए 😂🤣
आगे की अनप्लैंड कहानी कभी और 😂

हां ये पीछे लाका ग्लेशियर ही है और वो मूनपीक का साइड पोज ( मेरा भी 😂 😅 🙌)



Rudranath Temple Trek - Shepherdtrail Blog2

Rudranath Temple Trek – My Savior – The Lord Shiva

We had a state football tournament prior to this we were very, very exhausted.  The tournament ended by four in the evening and we headed to this place after that. Mostly in these places people get in their shelters by six. On our way, we met a few people who told us to get back as it was pretty dangerous to trek at night, that too in a dense forest.

But we carried on, I personally was having fever and even played the game with some medicines.


When we were trekking as we went to the higher altitude and it was getting dark, the temperature fell and I was all caught up by the fever. I remember sleeping just after walking a few steps. There came a time when I couldn’t even move a muscle. I literally gave up. I told my friend that I’ll spend the night in this jungle although it was very, very dangerous with all the wild animals and also the monsoon. Just then A friend of mine shouted that he saw some light at a distance. To this day I remember that moment how energized I felt when I saw that light.

Rudranath Temple Trek - Shepherdtrail Blog3

That man had a little hut built over there and he generously asked us to Step-in, he also did warn us that we shouldn’t be moving around the jungle this late, soon as I saw the place I could rest I quickly rushed to the spot and made myself comfortable, all set to go down in a deep slumber. The man said that he would give me an extra sheet to lay on but I couldn’t care less.


The next morning when I woke up I thanked the man and told him,

I have no idea if I would get a glimpse of God in the temple or not but I am pretty sure I found God in you, you were my saviour the last night. 


After thanking him for the hospitality my friend saw us the gigantic pannar bugyaal we had to climb. It was like giving up and for a moment I did, I told him God is the witness of what I am suffering and he won’t be angry with me. Still, I somehow got the adrenaline pumped and started the climb. The view on reaching pannar was something that one would fail to express in words, we had the gigantic Nanda Devi peak right in front of us that too with a lush green meadow adding to the beauty. 

It still was  10kms to reach our destination. It turned foggy and the temperature dropped and dropping temperature raised my fever, it became harder and harder for me to walk. A person who loves being clicked refused for photographs I remember one of my fellow trekkers saying,”topwal bhai yahan pe achhi photo ayegi” 

And I was like forget it I can’t even move a muscle. When you decide to go on a monsoon trek, the most important thing to carry is a raincoat. 


I remember everything being wet as it rained heavily the last night, yes the same night I almost slept in the jungle. Every time I was to rest I would take out my raincoat which I had made fold and kept in my pocket, I’d place it on the stone and then sit on it, I remember this one time when I got up and walked and after walking a few steps I saw that I forgot to pick up my raincoat, Believe me, I didn’t had enough energy to even walk back and pick up that necessity.

After the long ascent came a 3-4km of mild descent walk, And opposite to what it would be for other people I was equally weak on the descent. 

But eventually, at 12:30 we were at our destination we had the Holy temple of Rudranath in front of us, but to our bad luck, the temple was closed for bhog and would open at 4. We could do nothing but return back, And as we were to step out to return back, it rained so heavily we couldn’t go anywhere. 


The priest told us to take shelter in the nearby cottage which was at a distance of around 50 m. We rushed to that cottage and having not picked that raincoat was hurting. The rain stopped at around 3:30. And we decided that we will visit the temple and later head to Gopeshwar.

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ter resting for around 3 and 1/2 hours, When I climbed those 50m towards the temple, I was gasping for breath I was so exhausted in just those 50m, I was worried about how would I get back home, I even prayed the lord that I would never ever go on a trek, just get me out of here. I remember my friend asked me to get a few flowers which were just next to me but I couldn’t hand them to him because I was still breathing heavily. I hardly have any picture of mine near the temple Because I didn’t have the energy to pose for that. I asked the locals to get me a horse for my way back but to add to our bad luck all the horses were taken by the last group of tourists. After claiming myself down I went inside the temple and prayed to the Lord, I would consider myself a bit atheist till this very moment. And for me, this wasn’t a visit to a temple but just a trek to get off my bucket list.


But what was about to happen has changed my life completely. I took the Prashad and we all headed back. The locals asked us to halt for the night and we refused and continued walking. 

Rudranath Temple - ShepherdTrail Blog

Rudranath Temple

The last 4 km of the trek which was a descent towards the temple was an ascent now. And to the surprise to me and my friends on the ascent of 4kms, I just sat down once. It was like there was some kind of energy that was put inside me and I just walked and walked all the way down 18 km to the Sagar village the starting point of the rudhranath Trek. 


When I checked into the hotel room that night before I could sleep I thought about what had happened to me, that was when I realized what a fool was I to question the existence of God. It was he after seeking who’s blessing I could do this, It was he after taking who’s Prashad I could do this, It was he who made me do this. And from that moment I am a shiv bhakt. At that moment I promised myself That I’ll do the Panch Kedar


And today shiva has made me complete my panch kedar. I wish I could make my lifestyle the way he wants it to be, do everything that pleases him and be a good soul. 


 नमः शिवाय

-Ashish Topwal

Tunganath and Chandrashila Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 9

How I Met Me – A Trek Date – Tunganath and Chandershila Trek

How I Met Me – A Trek Date

At times, all it takes is just that 1 trip, 1 destination, 1 moment, or 1 experience to see through oneself.

For me, that was my 1st Himalayan Trek to Tunganath and Chandrashila (12,500 ft) in Uttarakhand. A trek that made me see life with a new lens. This blog is more about that lens than the logistics of the trek.

The Trek (Tunganath and Chandrashila)

It was a 5-day trek from Sari Village – a beautiful hamlet at an elevation of 6500 ft in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand, around 200 KM from Rishikesh.

The trek had actually begun days before reaching Sari. There was a lot of prep work that went in, starting from cardio exercises, weight training, a few breathing exercises, shopping the trekking gear, making a packing checklist, first-aid kit, etc.

And finally, I reached Sari – the base camp for my Trek. Reaching the base camp was a Trek in itself😊.

First, Fly from Hyderabad to New Delhi. Then take an overnight train from New Delhi to Haridwar. And then comes the 7 hours long road journey from Haridwar to Sari.

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This has been always the same in all my treks. It’s like getting you prepared for the real trek 😊.

The next 5 days were absolutely thrilling and exciting filled with memories of a lifetime. Of course, it was very tiring for a beginner, but it was equally relaxing around gorgeous campsites as you can see.Tunganath and Chandrashila Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 2

Each day was full of scenic views of Mt. Chaukamba, Rhododendron forest trails, idyllic glens and meadows, beautiful Himalayan birds like the Yellow-billed blue magpie, and Uttarakhand’s State Bird – The Monal.Tunganath and Chandrashila Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 3

It was all about how you keep going and push yourself to complete that 1-day target, instead of thinking how to reach the summit, as the saying says – One step at a time.

No matter how far or high is the summit, if you just focus on today’s target, push yourself to achieve that one thing today, that’s how you reach towards your summit.

The Summit

“One day, the mountain that is in front of you, it will barely be visible in the distance. But the person you become in learning to get over it? That will stay with you forever. And that is the point of the mountain.”― Brianna Wiest

This is exactly what happened to me in the trek. I am an entirely different person after the trek; I am more of a minimalist than a materialistic, confident, adventurous, living life to the fullest, respectful and mindful of the power of Nature more, valuing Living over Existing. Impossibilities are sometimes the gates to new possibilities. Exploring one’s fears and limitations opens such gates that we never imagined.

This is what standing on the summit felt like – That eureka of accomplishment; that gush in self-confidence, self-motivation, and seeing a totally different world up there – a different power of creation that I never realized even existed. A moment of nothingness which was also a moment of wholesomeness.

Tunganath and Chandrashila Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 5

You are out of thoughts – that blank moment of life when all you have are those mighty peaks, those high swirling birds, that soothing chillness of the breeze, You, and your heartbeat. That’s all is your World there.

Tunganath and Chandrashila Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 4
That moment of stillness when you find yourself pondering over – Who am I? What is your Life about? What is this creation about? Are you Living or Existing? What’s your purpose on this Planet? Universe has the mystical power to show you what you are seeking.

The Fears

I am a very fearful person 😊. I am claustrophobic, aquaphobic, minor acrophobic, and cynophobic.

I was never aware of these phobias so strong within me until this trek. The moment I went into the sleeping bag in my tent that night, I couldn’t breathe. I felt suffocated, anxious, increased heartbeat – I was just unable to sleep inside the tent. In the entire trek of 5 days, I could sleep a total of 8 hours only. That’s when I faced this phobia head-on – that was the moment I realized this is so strong within me. Every night I used to try different ways to put myself into sleep –mountain pictures, music, staring at the moon and stars in the sky, keeping the tent door slightly open, etc.😊At times, I just walked around the campsite like a zombie 😊. That made me witness some amazing twilights and star-lit skies though.Tunganath and Chandrashila Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 6

This was very difficult during my 1st trek, however, the subsequent treks were a bit better and now I’m able to sleep at least 5 hours every night on a trek 😊.

My next phobia was fear of dogs. Due to a not-so-good encounter with an angry dog in my childhood, I have been very scared of dogs all my life. I met a couple of mountain dogs on my trek and I bonded very well with them, as you can see😊 That’s the 1st time when I really petted a dog. This guy was with us for the entire trek – he followed us from Base Camp to the Summit, like a true companion!

Tunganath and Chandrashila Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 7

Anyone who has been to the mountains can certainly relate to what I’m trying to convey here – even dogs in the mountains are so compassionate and full of warmth. You just need to feel them. From that day on, mountain dogs are my friends 😊. I’m still trying with the city dogs though 😊.

As I mentioned above, reaching the Summit brought in a lot of confidence and everything seemed possible to me thereafter. So, I decided to face my next phobia – Fear of Water. Claustrophobics are mostly aquaphobes too. I did go for River Rafting in The Ganga at Rishikesh, after my trek. The oarsman literally pushed me out of the raft saying “you should try this” 😊 Trust me, it gave me chills all over, I was scared to death and couldn’t process what’s happening.

Tunganath and Chandrashila Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 8

It was really horrifying for a person who never has even tried any basic water sports 😊. You can see that on my face (lol).

It’s always better to face your fears and limitations and fail than to fail anyways running away from them. It will either break you or accelerate you as I did. So, take that plunge towards yourself and explore the real YOU.
This is how I met Me on 1st May 2018, when are you meeting yourself?

Please share your here, it will be my delight to read them.

Kuari pass trek - ShepherdTrail Blog

Kuari Pass | The Coldest Winter Trek | Awesome Experience 2021

It was this time of the year when like every year we go on a trek to explore the mighty mountains, to push our limits, to find peace within, to detach ourselves from our daily routines and to transform into a better human being.

This year we went on a Kuari Pass trek, which is also known as ‘The Curzon Trail’ as Lord Curzon trekked from this route in 1905. It is also one of the coldest winter treks in India. Specifically for us who are used to staying in 40°C heat to go on a trek where temperatures could go around -10°C at night, just the thought of it gave us the chills which actually helped us being mentally prepared for the challenge.

Snow covered tree on Kuari Pass Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog

Snow covered tree on Kuari Pass Trek

To acclimatize ourselves, we decided to stay at Rishikesh for 2 days before starting our trek. The day one of the trek was travelling day where we travelled from Rishikesh to the Tapovan base camp from where our trek was going to start. The journey is very pleasant and you get hang of great mountain views and the river flowing beside all day long. However, if you are someone with motion sickness, you may not enjoy the journey as much as others 😅.

On day two, we started our trekking from Karchi village and we had to reach to Akhrotghetta camp site. Just the first few steps gave us the reminder that the next few days are gonna be challenging in terms of the cold and steep climb. Just after we reached the camp site, had lunch and layered up for the cold evening. It started to snow, it was just magical how the snow flakes were falling down from the sky, it felt like the god is showering his blessings on us in its own way. Few of us witnessed the snow fall for the first time in the life and everyone enjoyed playing in the snow like a kid.

Camping on Kuari Pass Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog

Camping on Kuari Pass Trek

Our day 3 started with a blurry thought that we might not be able to trek to the Kuari Pass summit as it has snowed the whole night since past evening plus it was still snowing while we started to trek for the day from Akhrotghetta to Khullara camp site. It was like a dream to walk while its snowing and it was fulfilled on this day as it was still snowing while we were trekking to our camp today. The views were mesmerizing, we walked through the forest surrounded by the oak trees all around. The sunrays through the trees gives us immense joy and belief to push our limits and continue to grow along. We get the good view of some of the mountain peaks like Mt Dronagiri, Hathi Ghoda, Kamet, etc while on the trail which keeps you motivated and grounded at the same time. Just when we reached the camp site, we knew this is gonna be the coldest night and it indeed was, it went down till -13°c on that day, we all spent our evening in the dining tent as it felt warmer there comparatively. We all talked, played, prepared DIY tomato soup and after having delicious dinner we all went to our tents inside our sleeping bags to face the coldest winter night.

Cooking inside tent in Kuari Pass Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog

Cooking inside tent in Kuari Pass Trek

Day 4, this was the most important and challenging day of the trek. It was the long day so we started little early as we had to do the summit push and then to reach at the Tali campsite. When we started to trek there was a slight sun rays which gave us the hope that if there is no snowfall today like past few days, we will be able to successfully summit. And the god heard the prayers, it was still the chilly and freezing but there was no snowfall and weather was clear for us to push ourselves.

Trekking at Kuari Pass Trek - ShepherdTrail BlogAfter a few hours of decent climb and walking through the snowy slopes we all successfully managed to reach to the Kuari Pass summit point which was a relief and much satisfying, emotional moment for everyone that our planning, preparation of past 3-4 months have paid off. Also, not to miss the view from the top, it has the astonishing 360° view of mountains from the top which includes more than 20 mountain peaks like Chaukhambha, Dronagiri, Nilgiri, Hathi Ghoda, etc so close and clear for you to witness the beauty of nature. After spending some time at the top, we all started to decent , but due to snow mostly everyone had to do a scary snow slide to reach down from the top and heard that due to that other groups were even not able to go to the top. While on the way to Tali, there’s a ridge walk with beautiful views around you. I personally love walking on such ridge and we also had our lunch stop with such view on the way. Today was the long exhausting day and all were very tired, some felt mild headache and body pains, but nothing was serious and everyone successfully completed the summit day.

Trekking at Kuari Pass Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog

Our Group on Kuari Pass Trek

The last day of the trek and it was also the last day of the year 2021, yes in last few days we were totally disconnected and didn’t remember which date or day it was but as the trek was coming to the end and it was 31st everyone was up for ending it on high note. So, today we had to reach from Tali campsite to Joshimath. We had to skip Auli as there was lot of snow on the way and in last few days we have seen the lifetime of snow and life in snow. First on the way we went to Tali lake, which is a frozen lake and we spent good quality time there as the weather was clear, the views were great and we also did a small activity to write a post card to our loved ones expressing our gratitude, feelings and emotions. We were writing the post card just in front of the mighty Nanda Devi peak which makes it more special. This activity made people emotional, opened up and write what they feel and look within ourselves. After that it was a lovely gradual decent walk with the most amazing views of the mountain peaks which was the highlight of the trek. You feel you are constantly walking towards the mountains and they are welcoming you with their arms wide open. After walking few kms and walking through the village we managed to reach Joshimath where we had to end our this year’s trek journey.

Trekking at Kuari Pass Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog

That’s me standing tall at Kuari Pass!

As it was the 31st Dec, we welcomed the new year with all the positive vibes and wishing each other a happy new year by cutting a new year cake🍰. Also, we looked at the past few days spend together in not so comfortable space and everyone talked about their journey to reach here and how they felt about it by expressing their thoughts.


Team at Tali Lake on Kuari Pass Trek

It was a life time experience, thanks to everyone for being part of it. Hope we continue to go on such adventures. God bless🙏

Kheerganga Trek - ShepherdTrail Blog 2

Kheerganga Trek | Mountain Kids and unexpected Rainbow Gathering!

As usual “Pankaj” called me again for one another trek, he was planning for the Kheerganga Trek. It was also his birthday which he wanted to celebrate in the mountains. We ended up planning the Kheerganga trek. So the idea was to camp for a day in Kasol and then do the trek.

On day 1 we left Chandigarh and agreed to meet at Bhuntar (Kullu). I took a Volvo at night from Chandigarh and Pankaj after finishing his US shift drove to Bhunter. Bannu one of my friends happened to work in Bhuntar so I called him in advance so that we could meet. I reached Bhunter a bit earlier in the morning and after waiting for a few hrs Pankaj also reached along with Pulkit.

Pulkit was Pankaj’s work colleague who was very excited to go for a trek and joined him for the trek. Vinesh (Bannu) used to live in a beautiful rented home near Bhunter Airport. The setting there was beautiful with a huge mountain facing opposite to his home. He welcomed us with awesome Maggi (pahadon mein maggi nahi khayi to kya khaya).

Maggi at Bhunter - Kheerganga Blog - ShepherdTrail 1

Maggi at Bhunter – From Left Pankaj, Me & Pulkit

Our original plan was to go to Bijli Mahadev if time allows but we skipped the plan as we were late. It was somewhere close to 6:30 PM when we decided to go to Kasol for camping. My friend asked us to stay for the night at his place but we also wanted to spend some time in Kasol. I took his bike and we drove all the way to Kasol which is approx. 30 KM from Bhunter.

If you want to visit Kasol you don’t need to go towards Manali and there is a detour which you need to take from Bhunter. Kasol is a beautiful hamlet and you can simply say it is the hippe capital of India. By 7:30 we reached Kasol. Kasol is a different place when you visit in the evening. It looks like a hippie town and there are a lot of foreigners who you can see there. That’s one of the reasons it is also known as the mini-Israel of India. There are a lot of cafes that are always packed and you have to wait for some time before you get a table (If you have been to Kasol you know it !!).

After a bit of challenge and going through cafes we found a cafe that allowed us to set up our own tent on their property. We sat up our tent in dark, to be honest, it’s not easy to sit up a 4 person tent especially when you are setting it up for the first time and it’s dark 😬. The vibe at the Cafe was really cool and it was only in the morning when we realized that we were so close to river 😃.

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Bridge to the cafe where we stayed for the night! These beautiful bridges are common in Kasol.

In the morning we started our journey to Barshini. Barshini is the base for Kheerganga Trek and is around 16 KM from Kasol town.  There are a couple of shops at Barshaini where you can find essential items and there are few dhabas where you can eat simple food. You can find more about Barshini and Kheeranga Trek travel guide here.

On the way to Barshini, we stopped at a cafe and did breakfast where we met this beautiful family who was waiting for the bus as they were going towards Kasol.

Family on the way from Kasol to Barshini - ShepherdTrail Blog 1

On the way to Barshini, we witnessed some of the most beautiful mountain villages. Life in the mountains is a bit tough and while on the way you will see a lot of villages on the opposite side of the road where you will see a lot of trolleys which are used for to get essentials from road-head to the village.

Beautiful village in Parvati valley - Kheerganga Trek

Beautiful village in Parvati valley – Kheerganga Trek

After reaching Barshini we got all the necessary things and food which we would require for the trek as we were planning to cook our own food which we generally do when we do treks.  We spoke to a few shopkeepers in Barshini and found that there are 2 trails which goes to Kheerganga. We took the trail through Pulga village which is on right from the bridge. I personally recommend that you should take this trail while hiking and take another one while returning from Kheerganga. Few minutes into the trail we found ourselves in the forest. The trail is well marked and you can see it is followed by Shepherds. Kheerganga Trek through Pulga

Halfway into the trek, Pulkit got cramps in his legs as it was the first time he was doing any trek and also was not physically active, he could hardly walk. We motivated him to keep walking. He was hardly able to walk so took his bag and carried that. The trail was becoming more beautiful the more we were into the valley. Parvati valley is very beautiful valley and you can literally feel that it is blessed.

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Kheerganga Trek

We were just near to the waterfall which is also like the midpoint of the trek when we found this board on the trek. The paths in such trails get tricky at a few points and you need to ensure that you are keeping an eye on your feet.

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After walking for a few more minutes we reached the waterfall where there is a small shop where you can find food and tea. I observed a few foreigners who were camping here and the shopkeeper told us that they were camping there for good enough days now.

Waterfall on Kheerganga Trek - ShepherdTrail log 1

Waterfall on Kheerganga Trek

The trail after the waterfall meets with another trail that is coming through Kalga village. While returning we can take this trail or vice-versa. There are few cafes at the point where these 2 trails meet and then a single trail goes towards Kheerganga. We were on the way to the final destination when we met Sidhant. Sidhant was travelling solo from all the way from Goa and was going to camp solo in Kheerganga. We became friends while on the trail and he joined our pack. Fortunately enough we are still in touch and keep on talking about travel very often.

We all 4 kept chatting and kept walking. The last stretch to Kheerganga is a bit steep. Finally, we reached Kheerganga and we were very happy when we saw that we reached our destination.

Kheerganga Trek

First look of Kheerganga!

Well, Kheerganga is such a place which you can’t explain in words how hard you try! It’s a place out of the world. The hippie cafes, temporary setups, camps, dome tents, shepherd herds, a cool vibe and on top of that an amazing hot water pond! That’s Kheerganga for you! The trek is a hard one but when you reach Kheerganga and take a dip in a hot water pond you forget everything. It’s the perfect combination of chilled weather and a hot stream, better than any jacuzzi in the world!

Camping in Kheerganga - Kheerganga Trek Blog

Pankaj with our friends from Kheerganga Trails – They can be posy at time !

I was thinking that we won the world and was underestimating what there was in store for tonight! Then happened unexpected thing which I never thought I will witness. This is the night when I got introduced to the Rainbow family and I went to my first ever rainbow gathering. The story goes like it…

When we reached Kheerganga we agreed to pitch our tent a bit far away from the cafe. We pitched our tent and then went for a dip in a hot water spring. There were a lot of foreigners there at the Kheerganga at the moment. We thought it was a normal day as there are a lot of cafes/bakeries that were being operated by foreigners there. Though Pankaj observed that none of the foreigners was camping at Kheerganga and they were going deep into the forest. We thought there is some secret Full Moon party going on which they have kept as a secret (We were not observant enough I think).

Tents at Kheerganga Trek

Camps at Kheerganga

We were about to start cooking our dinner when a group of foreigners passed by us. One of them (Kal) stopped by to take a break and sat with us. After chatting a bit he told us that there is a rainbow gathering happening at the time we were camping there. He invited us to the Rainbow gathering, asked us to follow the rock signs and left. We thought let’s visit there and then we will come back and prepare dinner. First, we got confused as we were not seeing any signs and then we saw there were small rocks placed with their sharp edges pointing towards another set of rocks. It felt like a scene from the Harry Potter movie (seriously) but we kept following and kept moving.

After walking for around 15 minutes we found ourselves deep in the woods and to our surprise after crossing a few trees we found a whole plain ground covered from all sides with dense forest (almost invisible from the outside) and there it was the whole rainbow community. The atmosphere there was totally out of the world. We were welcomed by the rainbow family as their own (actually we became part of the rainbow family the moment we walked in). There were good 200-250 foreigners from around the world bonded by a code and mutual respect.

The way to the Rainbow gathering - Kheerganga Trek Blog - ShepherdTrail

The way to the Rainbow gathering – Sidhant and Pulkit

The campfire was lit and we all sat around the fire. There were a lot of musicians from around the world at the rainbow. Everyone played the instrument they liked, sang songs (even we were given a chance to sing one of the local songs which everyone enjoyed). There were groups who were cooking for the night, some were arranging things, helping everyone to pitch their tent, guiding about the camps, toilets (woods) and other rules for the gathering. I suggest everyone should attend at least one of these events, you got to know a lot of people and understand different cultures. We enjoyed it till late in the night and then returned to our camps.

The next morning we were woken up by the cheering sounds of mountain kids. We came out of the camps and found these three joyful, cheering, cute, little mountain kids. They were from the nearby shelters. We felt really happy with these kids and started playing.

Mountain kid at Kheerganga Trek

You Beauty !! – Mountain kid at Kheerganga

These kids were so fearless and curious that they were running on small mountain trails like a pro. They kept talking to us to understand how we got our beautiful tents, how much they cost, where have we come from, how cities look etc. I usually carry a trail guide by Himachal tourism which I opened to show them. They were very curious to see pictures of different places in that.

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Mountain Kids and stories!

We left Kheerganga as we had to join back our offices and I never got the opportunity to visit again though those memories are still fresh. I think to meet these kids again, someday! They would have grown into teenagers by now and I keep on thinking about meeting them again and showing the innocence they had. Have you seen these kids?


ShepherdTrail Blog - Triund Indrahar pass 1

My solo trip to Triund and unfinished attempt to Indrahar Pass – Himachal Pradesh

This story is 5 years old, in the month of April 2016, My exams were over for BBA Final Year. I thought of going on a tour on my newly purchased 2nd hand bike, I asked my friends but they had other plans, so I decided to go solo, I checked my bike’s papers and serviced it the day before the long run.

That night I had a fever, but I decided that whatever happens in the morning I’ll go for my adventure on my first solo trip. The next morning I woke up all excited for my adventure. I prepared my breakfast, had it full as I didn’t know where I’d be able to eat next, because it was my first-time solo road trip to Himachal from Jalandhar, Punjab. I still had a fever but as I’ve decided, I went for it.

So I reached Mclodeganj, Himachal Pradesh from Jalandhar on my bike in the Afternoon (165 k.m.). I arranged my food at the Mclodeganj square, took information from locals about the trek distance, camping gear, food etc.

In the evening I left for trekking of 8 km, excluding the Bagshu fall, On the way, I took a break for 3 times as it is a pure mountain trek, On the way, I outpaced some group of trekkers maybe because I was single and didn’t have to wait for my mates or might be I’m a quick trekker :p , Finally, I reached Triund top and sat on a rock to catch my breath, I sat there, enjoyed the view and strong blow of wind which I think was felt by my soul, I saw people walking and sheep herds, which as guided by the shepherd’s dogs and then I went to the shop and rented a camp which cost only Rs 400/night, it was a small tent for a single person, If you’re a group of people you can rent a bigger one which will cost you Rs 800, Rs 1200 and Rs 1600 which can accommodate up to 6 people.

Since I was alone, I didn’t know what to do next so I sat and kept on staring at the mountains, it was magical, it was soul-soothing, I felt so relieved, I can’t explain it in words, since words won’t do justice to what I felt, suddenly I heard dog fight, one of the shepherd’s dog has almost killed the other one, the dog’s bite was so strong that it almost chocked the other dog, I intervened and shouted really loud, after that the fight was over and I started my buffer-free view of the mountains and clouds, I was sitting and I heard a voice, Hey, are you also on a solo trip? I said yes and introduced ourselves, He asked me what’s your plan, I said, I rented a camp so I’ll set my camp and I’ll stargaze at night and I’ll leave in the afternoon, He said why, won’t you go up to the mountains, I said, is there more to go?

He said yes, I’ve been in Himachal for a month and I know there’s more than very few people know, I agreed to stay and to climb the mountain, then we set our camp and stayed for the night with a complete stranger turned friend.

There were a few foreigners too, They also came for trekking with a group of 8-10 people, they played soulful music, set a bone fire, it was magical. We ate Daal Chawal at the shop, it tasted good, don’t know how, then I stayed up to stargaze, It was a little cloudy yet very beautiful night sky.

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The next morning we left for the mountaineering to the Indrahar peak, without any mountaineering gear, without any guide, with the slippery sole of my shoes. We trek for 6-7 km of normal mountain trek, on the way, there was another shop and we ate Maggi there, then we continued our trek, Indrahar Paas is the top of the mountain visible from Triund top, yes, the highest one is Indrahar Pass.

So, we reached the valley of Indrahar pass and saw a few empty shelters there, don’t know who lived there, then we saw a few locals, we offered them to be our guide but they refused and showed us the way a little, we followed the trail and climbed up after we reached the halfway I saw clouds filling up the valley and slowly coming up, I never saw clouds beneath me, I was astounded by the view. I said to my friend to have look behind, he saw then we decided to climb faster.

We were at 75% of our mountaineering when clouds finally caught us, and it was raining snow, yes It was snowfall on the mountains, it was heavy snowfall so we took shelter under the rocks for around 30 minutes after it stopped we started to climb up again, but it was very slippery, because of the snowfall, so we reached about 90 % of the peak but now there was no way we could have climbed up without the professional gears as it was a straight mountain with snow, so we decided to climb down now, we don’t want to go back but there was just no way for us to climb the remaining 10%.

So we started coming down, it was so slippery that I slipped 1-2 feet thrice, and trust me I felt like I’ll die and prayed to God, Bhagwan bacha le aaj, my friend was ahead of me and he just kept saying just a little bit more we have almost reached don’t worry, thanks to him we finally climbed down to the valleys, stopped for the Maggi again as we were totally exhausted.

Then we came back to the Triund with a bottle filled with mountain’s water which was fresher and healthier than your RO+ UV combined :D. Handed over the camp to the shop and trek down to Mclodeganj. We were so tired that our knee couldn’t take it anymore, my friend was barely able to walk, luckily we found a stick for the support and climbed down at last.

So we trek for 30-35 km from McLeodganj-Triund-Indrahar pass-Triund-McLeodganj, so the people who say it is one day trek they might don’t know about Indrahar Pass trek, which starts from 7 km ahead from where the Triund trek ends.

Oh, the fever faint away, I never felt more alive.

Thank you so much for reading, I truly appreciate it.

ShepherdTrail Blog - Jalsu pass 1 1

Jalsu Pass ..what happened there ?

It’s been 25 years when I had my first encounter with the Himalayan bear but memories are so fresh in my mind like it happened yesterday only.

Since I belong to a Shepherd family we often use the Jalsu Jot pass to commute between Kangra and Chamba.

In the monsoon of 1997, I was coming back to Kangra from my home in Chamba through Jalsu jot along with my cousin Dinesh (Danna). We were about 10 years old back then. Since my cousin had a long experience following that trail and there are a lot of people on the trail in monsoon we were visiting on our own.

So by afternoon we crossed Yaada and reached Jot. The glacier was still there when we hiked Jot. It was around 3:00 PM and we were at the top when it suddenly started drizzling. Sooner it started raining and we were left with taking a shed under a big rock (Kud). It was raining from 20-25 minutes when thoughts of getting struck there started coming to our minds. Sooner it would be sunset and we would be left with no option. My cousin asked to pray to ” Lord Shiva” and mount Kailash which is clearly visible from there. That was the first time I prayed from the heart. I still don’t know whether Lord Shiva heard our prayers or that was by luck that in the next 5 minutes weather was clear.

We started moving down. We merely moved 100 mtrs when my cousin pushed me behind a big rock. I didn’t understand what was he doing until he pointed me towards the valley. I was shivering after what I witnessed. 50 mtrs ahead were 2 huge bears, their hairs so long that almost touching the ground. He quickly put one hand on my mouth and the other on his and asked me to breathe slowly or rather not to breathe. Warned me that bears have a strong sensing power. Also asked to run downwards if they approach us. I was shivering and could see that even he was not feeling good about it.

We were stuck there thinking about what was wrong we have done, first the long rain, almost killing and now these bears. We had travelled a long distance by then and were exhausted and tired. Suddenly he asked me to run. I could see that bears had started walking upwards. We were very tired but could not remember from where we got the energy to run. I think the only idea of having an encounter with these wild monsters and losing life brought us all the energy. We were running like hell and didn’t have the courage to look back. We didn’t see where we were keeping our feet and which trail we were following and kept running until we reached Kharli. The shopkeeper was surprised to see us running and could figure out the fear in our eyes only after he came to know about the story!

That was an unforgettable experience and even the thought of the same gives me goosebumps today as well !!

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